Caffeine may be present in ice tea or gum sweets
Most children are aware that children should not drink coffee because of the caffeine they contain. But in other drinks is often much of the awake. Even some foods contain caffeine. For this reason, parents should check the ingredients carefully, for example with iced tea.
Children already have smaller amounts
Due to the lower body weight, the stimulating effect of caffeine in children already has a greater effect on significantly smaller amounts than on adults. Too high a caffeine dose can lead to concentration difficulties and behavioral problems such as nervousness, irritability or even anxiety. In addition, increased amounts of caffeine are also physically noticeable. The heart rate increases and an increased pulse and blood pressure result in a restriction of fine motor skills. Health experts therefore advise that children should not drink coffee and only - if at all - should drink a little cola. However, caffeine is also included in other drinks and foods.
Adolescents consume too much caffeine
Time and again experts point out: Children and adolescents consume too much caffeine. This is mainly due to energy drinks whose caffeine content often exceeds that of coffee and tea. Energy drinks should actually be taboo for children, but many are apparently unaware of the potential health risks. In some countries, age limits apply to the disputed drinks. Meanwhile, organizations in Germany are also campaigning for legal regulation.
Warnings can be read over
But caffeine is not only contained in drinks, but also in some foods. As the consumer information service aid explains, the pick-me-up can also be found in ice tea, gumdrops and chocolate. Mothers and fathers should therefore read exactly the list of ingredients and, if necessary, choose another product. The printed warning can easily be overread. According to the aid experts, too much caffeine in children can lead to hyperactivity and sleep disorders, among other things. (Ad)