Vaccination against fatal meningitis

Vaccination against fatal meningitis / Health News

Nationwide vaccination against fatal meningitis


Since the end of 2013 there is the possibility to vaccinate children against meningococcal B (Neisseria meningitidis). Among other things, the bacteria can cause a fatal meningitis. The UK is now leading the way with a standard vaccine for babies.

Nationwide vaccination of babies
Great Britain is the first country in the world to launch a comprehensive vaccination of babies against meningococcal B (Neisseria meningitidis). According to a news agency dpa, the Bexsero vaccine against the cause of meningitis should be available in sufficient quantities later this year. This announced the Ministry of Health in London on Sunday. According to the ministry, so far no other country is vaccinating against this type of meningococcus, which can cause fatal meningitis.

Infections are rare but dangerous
By the end of 2013, only meningococcal serogroups of serogroups A, C, W and Y had been available, but not B. Since 2008, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), there have been about 400 meningococcal infections every year, especially infants and teenagers were affected. The number of cases is low, but at every tenth, the infection is fatal. Thus, Type B meningococci can cause severe inflammation of the skin („meningitis“), which are often accompanied by high fever, headache, dizziness, chills and photosensitivity. In addition, the bacteria can lead to blood poisoning, which in severe cases can lead to amputations of the limbs.

German experts are still skeptical
However, according to the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) at RKI, the currently available vaccine does not protect against all meningitis B strains. Like the RKI in September last year in his „Epidemiological bulletin“ informed the German experts, the study results available so far not to pronounce for or against a general vaccination recommendation. However, the Commission recommends a meningococcal C vaccine for all children. (Ad)

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