Measles vaccination Increasing number of measles cases

Measles vaccination Increasing number of measles cases / Health News

Measles - when and how to get vaccinated

Measles are highly contagious viruses. Especially children are among the main risk groups in this infectious disease, which can cause serious complications and associated sequelae, which in the worst case could be fatal. The safe and uncomplicated vaccination protects children and adults with great certainty from the measles. The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) provides information about the right time for a measles vaccine.

The STIKO advises to carry out the vaccination against measles with a combination vaccine. The so-called MMR vaccine protects against measles as well as mumps and rubella. According to STIKO, babies should already receive two measles vaccines. The first vaccination should usually be done at the age of 11 to 14 months. The second vaccination then takes place until the end of the second year of life. With this method you get the earliest possible vaccine protection. In special cases, the first MMR vaccination could take place as early as the ninth month, if the child had contact with measles patients or if admission to a community facility, such as a day care center, is imminent. In this particular case, the second MMR vaccine must be given at the beginning of the second year of life.

The Standing Vaccination Commission clarifies the vaccine against measles. (Image: cbies /

Not only children should be vaccinated

According to the STIKO, a single vaccine against measles with an MMR vaccine is recommended for all post-1970 born adults with unclear vaccination status, no vaccine or only one childhood vaccination. This applies in particular to persons who work in the health service, care or community facilities. Although a vaccine during or shortly before a pregnancy does not lead to a higher risk of congenital malformations, the STIKO does not advise women to be vaccinated a month before or during pregnancy. In breastfeeding, however, an MMR vaccine is safe. After vaccination, so-called vaccines may occur in some people, which may also be accompanied by fever. This potential side effect is not contagious.

Why are measles dangerous??

The Morbillivirus is the causative agent of measles and belongs to the paramyxoviruses. These are enveloped viruses with a helical capsid. The infectious disease is not only highly contagious, it is also accompanied by complications in many cases. Common complications include the appearance of middle ear or lung infections. In very rare cases can develop from a measles disease and encephalitis, a meningitis. In the worst case, which occurs only very rarely, a subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is the result of measles. This inflammatory disease of the brain usually occurs four to ten years after a measles disease and is fatal. More about measles can be found in the article Number of cases of measles in Germany is growing rapidly. (Fp)