The vaccination campaign of the doctors is aimed especially at adults

The vaccination campaign of the doctors is aimed especially at adults / Health News
Kassenärztliche associations start information campaign
The Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KBV) and the Kassenärztlichen associations have launched "in the light of the ongoing measles wave" an information campaign on measles vaccination, with which adults are targeted. "More than half of all cases of measles currently affect adolescents and adults who are not vaccinated or inadequately vaccinated," according to the KBV Communication.

For the campaign, "pop art-style information cards" were developed, with which doctors want to draw more attention in the coming weeks to the measles vaccine. The appeal is aimed in particular at adults born after 1970 who often do not have adequate immunization coverage. "According to the Robert Koch Institute, just under 60 percent of 18- to 44-year-olds have received the first measles vaccine, even fewer people receiving the second vaccine," according to the KBV.

The current information campaign on measles vaccines is aimed specifically at adults. Image: Sherry Young /

Masernwelle occasion for the information campaign
The Kassenärztlichen associations have decided on the information campaign because of the current measles wave in Berlin. Because "measles are not a harmless childhood disease. They can be accompanied by serious complications such as pneumonia or inflammation of the brain, "said Regina Feldmann, board member of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV). The prevention initiative calls on all adults to check their vaccine protection and have their vaccination rectified if necessary. The vaccine would also protect people in their environment who can not be vaccinated, such as infants in the first few months of life or immunodeficient people from infection. Moreover, severe courses are much more frequent in adolescents and adults than in children.

Information sheets for the medical practices
The information cards are laid out among other things in the waiting rooms of the medical practices and inform about who should be vaccinated against measles, according to the KBV. Two detailed patient information on the subject - one on adult vaccination and one on childhood vaccination -. would also be provided by the Panel Physicians' Associations. The information sheets explain the fundamentals of the infectious disease and tell the patients "the consequences of having a disease, how the vaccine works and what side effects can occur," the KBV reports.

Measles vaccine recommended for adults under certain conditions
It was not until 2010 that the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) extended its recommendation on the standard measles vaccine to younger adults. Since then, in addition to the two-time vaccination of children and adolescents up to the age of 18, all those born after 1970 are recommended to have a one-time vaccination if they have not been vaccinated against measles or vaccinated once in childhood or if the measles vaccination status is unclear. These STIKO recommendations have been included in the vaccination guidelines of the Joint Federal Committee, which determines which vaccinations are statutory health insurance benefits. (Fp)