Vaccine cream instead of syringe?

Vaccine cream instead of syringe? / Health News

In the future, vaccination with skin cream could replace the syringe


A vaccine on the skin? This could possibly become reality in the future and thus bring relief, especially for people with a great deal of fear of injections. As researchers of the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) and the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Braunschweig (HZI) report, a administration of the vaccine with a cream is conceivable. Because this is not only easier to use, but also much cheaper than an injection.

Biodegradable nanoparticles act as "taxis"
Many people are afraid of injections, so children often dread any vaccine. But now could a novel dosage form remedy by vaccines (vaccine) in the future without needle through the skin should enter the body. Researchers at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) and the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Braunschweig (HZI) are currently investigating this topic. The idea: A cream containing biodegradable nanoparticles, which act as a "taxi" by settling on the hair follicles and releasing the vaccine into the body, explains Professor Claus-Michael Lehr, head of the HIPS "drug delivery" department the news agency „dpa“.

Skin cream would be significantly cheaper in production
In this way, the skin remains intact, the scientist continues, "ideally, in the future, a skin cream could be applied and you would be vaccinated." This would on the one hand mean easier handling, moreover, the use of corresponding creams would be much cheaper than an injection. „It is very costly and expensive to produce such vaccines, and trained personnel are needed for the application“, Professor Lehr continues. In addition, aspects that may be very important for vaccines in developing countries, for example, could also be used as part of desensitization therapies for allergies.

Dermatologists consider cream as a realistic alternative
From the point of view of dermatologists a realistic project, as there were already other vaccines exist, in which the vaccines are absorbed through the oral mucosa, said the Rhineland-Palatinate state chairman in the professional association of German dermatologists, Ralph von Kiedrowski, the dpa. An alternative to the conventional syringe is especially advantageous for people with a syringe phobia. Here, however, must be ensured that the nanoparticles do not lead to an unintentional immune response in the body, also the package would have to be designed so that an over or under dosage could be excluded. An important point, however, according to Rolf Hömke, one of the spokespersons of the Association of Research-based drug manufacturer Berlin, should not be an obstacle: „But this would also have to be a soluble problem with a cream. "Also for Hömke a cream is a realistic alternative to vaccinations by syringe, as the skin „a very immunoactive organ“ be.

Clinical trials are pending
So far, according to Professor Lehr, however, the Helmholtz researchers would only have the cream preclinically, i. in the laboratory and on animals, a clinical study, however, is not yet planned due to lack of sponsorship funds. In their previous tests, however, the scientists could already show that the nanoparticles alone could not transport enough vaccine into the body to obtain the desired immune response. „We solve this problem by administering not only the active substance but also the adjuvants developed at HZI with the nanocarriers. These additives boost the immune response in the body“ , explains Carlos Alberto Guzman, Head of the Department of Vaccinology and Applied Microbiology at the HZI. (No)

Image: Dieter Schütz