Less and less heart attack deaths in Germany

Less and less heart attack deaths in Germany
In Germany, fewer and fewer people are dying of an acute heart attack. According to the German Society of Cardiology (DGK), this emerges from the new German Heart Report. Above all, new treatment methods were responsible for this.
Fewer people die from acute heart attacks
Fewer and fewer people in Germany are dying of an acute heart attack. According to the German news agency dpa, this results from the new German Heart Report, according to the German Society for Cardiology (DGK). In 2012, approximately 65 out of every 100,000 people died of an acute heart attack. In 1992, it was said that two thirds more. DGK President Christian Hamm said that the positive trend is mainly due to new treatment methods, but also, for example, to a better emergency medical system.
Strong regional differences
However, according to data compiled by the German Heart Foundation in the report, cardiac infarct mortality has strong regional differences. Already in the previous year, major differences were reported in 2011. At that time, it became apparent that the eastern German states had a higher risk of death. For the regional differences, experts were mainly responsible for the low number of cardiologists, a lack of health awareness and lack of education.
Risk factors are not known to all
In addition to factors such as smoking, diabetes, obesity, hypertension is a major risk factor for a heart attack. However, as a Forsa survey commissioned by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) years ago, three out of every hundred respondents would not know that people with high blood pressure carry the highest risk of vascular disease, and therefore heart attack and stroke. According to experts, a healthier lifestyle, with the help of adequate exercise, balanced nutrition, weight loss and abstinence from alcohol and tobacco, could dramatically reduce the risk of heart attack. (Ad)
Picture: Philipp Flury