More and more cesarean births

More and more cesarean births / Health News
One third of the children are born by caesarean section
Furthermore, the trend towards caesarean delivery continues, according to the announcement of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). According to the health insurance, "every third child was born by caesarean section last year." Approximately every two and a half minutes in Germany, a child is delivered by caesarean section. Natural birth is no longer self-evident even in uncomplicated pregnancies, although it offers clear benefits for both mother and child.

Every third child is delivered by caesarean section. (Image: GordonGrand /

Alone among the insured the Techniker health insurance last year, almost 30,000 cesarean births. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only one third of the babies were born with the help of a scalpel, although only 15 percent of the cesarean sections are medically necessary. Often the fear of the first birth is reason for the decision to caesarean section. The TK has therefore summarized all the information about the subject in a booklet that will help expectant mothers, "physically and mentally prepare for this important event and prepare."

Break down unfounded fears of a natural birth
Monica Burkhardt, TK expert on the topic of pregnancy and childbirth, explains that "a birth for mother and child is the important highlight of a pregnancy", but many women just at the first birth could not imagine what to expect. This is sometimes scary and this brochure should help to reduce unfounded fears. The brochure offers, according to the TK "a neutral comparison of different birth methods and their risks." So mothers also learn when a caesarean section is actually the drug of choice. (Fp)