In old age it becomes harder to get healthy sleep
Many people in Germany have problems with their sleep. Researchers now found that sleep patterns shift as we get older. Some seniors even lose the ability to sleep deeply and restfully when they are old.
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley found in their study that it is harder for some people in old age to find restful sleep. Bad sleep can lead to health problems and even contribute to serious illnesses. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Neuron".
Many older people have problems with their sleep habits. Sleep problems can then lead to serious illnesses. (Edler von Rabenstein / is sleep fragmentation?
So-called sleep fragmentation has already been linked to a number of medical conditions, including depression and dementia. People with fragmented sleep wake up several times during the night and miss the deep stages of sleep, explains author Bryce Mander of the University of California.
There is a connection between disturbed sleep and dementia
Bad sleep can contribute to various diseases. For example, if you have dementia, there is a bi-directional link between sleep disorders and the process of dementia, says co-author Joe Winter. In other words, dementia often causes sleep problems. Bad sleep in turn can accelerate the decline of memory and other mental abilities. This leads to a so-called vicious circle in which dementia and bad sleep reinforce each other, adds Winter.
A shift in sleep habits does not always mean health problems
Similar unfavorable cycles can also occur in other diseases. However, not every shift in sleep habits implies a health problem. In some cases, these effects can also be completely normal, explains Bryce Mander.
Sleep habits change over the course of life
Many older people go to bed early and they also stand up very early. In addition, many of those affected generally sleep less compared to younger-age sleep habits. That does not necessarily have to be a bad sign, the researchers say. Older people should not panic just because they are sleeping a little less nowadays. This sleep behavior does not automatically lead to dementia, emphasizes Mander.
Sufficient exercise improves the quality of sleep
Nevertheless, it is important to recognize sleep as a lifestyle factor, the study authors write. Sleep is important for our health, as well as adequate exercise, exercise and a healthy diet. One reason why regular exercise is important to our health is the impact of this activity on our sleep, say the physicians. Regular exercise also leads to improved sleep quality.
Sleep quality is more important than the sleep duration
The sleep quality is actually more important than the sleep duration, say the experts. So, when older people sleep slightly less than they used to, or wake up every now and then, it does not necessarily have to be related to or cause any health problems. However, you should talk to your doctor if you routinely sleep less than six hours a night, or if you lack longer, coherent sleep blocks, the researchers suggest.
What is sleep apnea?
One reason for sleep disorders may be sleep apnea. So-called obstructive sleep apnea causes repeated interruptions of breathing during the night. The disease is associated with, for example, heart disease and diabetes. Some researchers also believe that sleep apnea can accelerate memory and memory decline.
How can people affected improve their sleep?
In other cases, sufferers need lifestyle adjustments to improve their sleep. For example, older people can improve their sleep by integrating physical and social activities into their everyday lives. The bedroom temperature should be comfortable and the exposure to artificial light must be limited, the scientists suggest.
People should be alert to healthy sleep at a young age
In addition, according to the researchers, it is important that people get enough daylight. This supports the circadian rhythm of the body (the sleep-wake cycle). However, we should not start to look after our sleep until we reach old age. People often lose their capacity for deep sleep as early as middle age, say the experts. This decline then continued over the years. So far, however, it is still unclear whether good sleeping habits at a younger age help to protect people from sleep problems in old age, adds study author Bryce Mander. (As)