Hypochondria afraid of bad diseases

Hypochondria afraid of bad diseases / Health News

People with hypochondriacal disorders fear evil in their own bodies


„Could my headache point to a brain tumor?“ „Is this stinging in the chest a heart attack?“ People with hypochondriac disorders are quick to ask questions such as these, because sufferers are constantly afraid of being seriously ill. The pronounced fear of cancer or heart disease often has a strong impact on private life and the profession, because the thoughts revolve around only possible diseases. However, with the help of psychotherapeutic treatment, hypochondriacs can learn to reduce their fears and develop positive thinking patterns.

„Harmless“ Symptoms are interpreted as signs of serious illness
A prick in the heart, headache or a backache: people with a hypochondriacal disorder perceive physical reactions like these very pronounced and therefore assume fast „something bad“ behind the symptoms.„Those affected have pronounced fears of having a really serious illness, "explains Iris Hauth, President of the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN) to the news agency „dpa“.

Characteristic of the disturbed perception is above all the exaggerated self-observation of one's own body. However, this is not bad in itself, instead, according to Harald Gündel of the German Society for Psychosomatic Medicine and Medical Psychotherapy (DGPM) „an observation of one's own body [...] certainly makes sense. "According to the experts, however, the hypochondriac is problematic „like the evil in your own body“ would accept.

Most hypochondes are afraid of cancer
Here is the idea about the „Angry“ not abstract, instead „the prototype of the hypochondriac [.] is a clear hypothesis, "explains Gaby Bleichhardt „dpa“. According to the expert who has written a book on the treatment of hypochondria and anxiety, there is a clear assumption about the cause of the symptoms. Thus, most hypochondriac patients are afraid of cancer, followed by heart disease and neurological diseases.

It is also typical that hypochondriacs would not calm down. Thus, although a visit to a doctor can initially provide a good feeling, but usually then would come after a short time, the fear that the doctor may have made a mistake or something overlooked. As a result, the inner restlessness and worry remain, often in the hope of reassurance more (specialist) doctors visited. Next to the „Doctor-hopping“ many sufferers would try to inform themselves as comprehensively as possible in order to gain a sense of security. „Almost every hypochondriac reads - and reads a lot ", explains Harald Gündel, where the Internet often helps, whereby the expert regards this source of information as critical: „I would strongly advise against going online on hypochondriac fears, "warns Gündel.

Children of anxious parents particularly at risk
The development of hypochondria involves various factors that often play together or influence one another. „A fearful character structure is certainly a risk factor. "As a result, sufferers often have little confidence in themselves and their environment and live in constant concern that something „bad“ could happen. Frequently it is assumed that genetic factors play a role in pronounced anxiety, and children with anxiety-afflicted parents are at a higher risk of developing an anxiety disorder themselves. Also, experiences such as severe illness or death in the family can increase anxiety and thereby promote hypochondriacal disturbance.

Cognitive behavioral therapy to learn positive thinking patterns
To treat the fears, according to Iris Hauth, the so-called „cognitive behavioral therapy“ proven effective at re-shaping inappropriate perceptions and thoughts that lead to anxiety, anger, and depression, and developing more positive thinking patterns. In addition, in hypochondria, various stress-relieving exercises and techniques such as yoga, autogenic training, or progressive muscle relaxation can be helpful in reducing physical and mental stress.

In most cases, the fear of a serious illness using a psychotherapeutic treatment could be reduced, Bleichhardt continues. Nevertheless, according to Hauth, there are also limits here: „The over-concern can not be remedied. "However, it could at best be achieved that those concerned could assess the signals of their body in the future more realistically and limit the excessive safety behavior something - under stress, the old behavior patterns, however, could recur at any time.

Image: Maren Beßler