Hypertension More consistent blood pressure reduction especially good for young patients

Hypertension More consistent blood pressure reduction especially good for young patients / Health News
New study recommends lower target for blood pressure reduction
High blood pressure represents a health risk because it permanently overloads the heart and the vessels and can lead to a heart attack or stroke untreated. The main focus of treatment is on lowering blood pressure. According to the "SPRINT" study, which was published in November last year, a target value of 120 mmHg should be aimed for - and no longer 140 mmHg as before. Does this requirement apply to every patient? And are side effects to be expected? In an interview with the magazine "Herz heute", cardiologist Prof. Heribert Schunkert explains the most important points of the study and gives tips on what should be taken care of.

Hypertension can lead to heart attack and stroke
According to a recent release from the German Heart Foundation, it is estimated that around 20 million adults in this country have high blood pressure. This represents an immense health hazard, because if not or not treated adequately, it increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and heart failure significantly. The main aim of the treatment is therefore to lower the value, whereby up to now a target value of 140 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) has usually been sought. However, in November of last year, the so-called "SPRINT" study appeared, according to which it is better for the health of patients when the blood pressure is set to 120 mmHg. This caused uncertainty for many patients, as reducing them to 140 is often an enormous challenge.

Hypertensive patients are unsure about new US study. (Picture: Picture-Factory / fotolia.com)

Injuries add up to younger people over the years
So is the new 140 in blood pressure 120? And does that apply equally to all patients? "The younger and healthier a hypertensive patient, the closer he should be brought to 120 mmHg," said the heart specialist in the interview, which was published by the German Heart Foundation. Because in young people, the damage to the organs by the high blood pressure accumulate over the years - but this can be avoided by intensified blood pressure therapy.

"When a young woman or a young man with a blood pressure of 140 comes to me, I say: 'There's more in it,'" Prof. Dr. med. Heribert Schunkert continues. Schunkert is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Heart Foundation and is Medical Director of the German Heart Center Munich.

Health risks were significantly reduced
The study had shown that lowering blood pressure to 120 would bring impressive benefits to appropriate individuals. Because of the intensified treatment, the risk of an infarct, stroke, heart failure or death due to cardiovascular disease could be significantly minimized. This is also confirmed by Schunkert, "but such a reduction in blood pressure must always be made dependent on the individual situation of the patient," emphasizes the expert. It is not just about the right medication.

Instead, a change in lifestyle through healthy eating, exercise, and low salt and alcohol could lower blood pressure by 10 mmHg. With blood pressure medication, the treatment can then be further intensified.

Intensified treatment requires constant checks
According to Schunkert, the intensive form of therapy is only feasible with highly motivated doctors and patients. Because lowering blood pressure to a lower target level requires very frequent medical checks to avoid serious side effects such as fainting or kidney damage. In elderly patients and persons with concomitant diseases such as The coronary heart disease must be looked at here very well, "so that the blood pressure treatment does not overshoot the target," warns the expert.

Patients who only with a lot of effort or not at all reach the current target of under
140/90 mmHg should not lose motivation in the light of the new study. Instead, it is important that those concerned make the risks clear and set smaller goals: "If it is possible to significantly reduce high blood pressure, e.g. below 140/90 mmHg, the danger is largely eliminated, "explains the cardiologist. A further reduction brings an improvement, but that is comparatively low. "With a significantly lower blood pressure, patients, even if they can not reach the 120 mmHg, definitely winner of the blood pressure therapy," says Schunkert. (No)