Cervical syndrome pain in the neck

Cervical syndrome pain in the neck / Health News

Heat, high humidity and radon instead of medication


More than 80 percent of Germans suffer from back pain during their lifetime. More and more often: complaints about pain in the cervical vertebrae. Sedentary situations often overuse stressed, especially sedentary activities the cervical spine. Neck pain that radiate in the shoulders and arms and sometimes even in the back of the head to the forehead, are considered typical symptoms of the so-called cervical spine syndrome, in short: cervical spine syndrome. Hardened muscles next to the spine also severely restrict the mobility of the head. If complaints persist for more than three months, specialist doctors speak of a chronic cervical spine syndrome. Patients who refrain from pain therapy for fear of possible side effects should seek help in alternative measures such as cold and heat treatments or in radon therapies.

Nearly 18 million Germans work sitting down, and 20 percent feel burdened by it. Nevertheless, many do not exercise any sports compensation to their professional activities. But especially with protection threatens an aggravation of the complaints. Physical activity promotes blood circulation and thus the removal of harmful substances and also ensures a better supply of nutrients. Without movement, a never-ending cycle of pain, protection, aggravation of pain and further protection. „Therefore, a pain relief should be done“, reminds Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bertram Hölzl, radon expert and medical director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen.

An alternative to painkillers is found in patients with cervical spine syndrome in radon heat therapy. Based on three factors - temperatures between 37.5 and 41.5 degrees, high humidity of over 70 percent and the absorption of radon - creates a tropical-humid climate that causes a therapeutic fever in the patient. „This increase in temperature is desirable, because then dilate the blood vessels, the blood flow increases and hardened, aching muscles relax“, explains Dr. Hölzl. In addition, the slight overheating of the body improves radon uptake. In the organism, the noble gas releases mild alpha rays, which take over the job that otherwise non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other drugs do: they relieve pain. In addition, they stimulate cell repair mechanisms and activate healing-promoting and anti-inflammatory messengers. „For example, after a stay at the Radonthermalstollen, patients confirm significant pain relief over several months and an improved general condition“, knows Dr. Hölzl from experience. In addition, as a result of pain relief, it is easier for people to move and everyone can contribute to their freedom from pain on a daily basis. The cost of a cure in Radonthermalstollen take over about 90 percent of the health insurance. (Pm)