Cough evidence of herbal extracts

Cough evidence of herbal extracts / Health News

Herbal medicine helps in the treatment of cough


Respiratory infections are the most common cause of sick leave in Germany. According to data of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), colds in the winter lead to more than 1.5 million additional episodes of incapacity for work, but is also coughed in the most beautiful weather. However, especially for cough, plant medicine offers well-tolerated aid, the evidence of which has meanwhile also found recognition in guidelines of scientific committees.

For example, the German Society for Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine (DGP) has included two plant combinations in their treatment recommendations, which are included in the guideline on „Diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with acute and chronic cough“ to be named. It classified the efficacy of an extract of thyme herb and ivy leaves and an extract of thyme herb and primrose roots as scientifically proven.

As justification, the authors of the guideline point to the fact that the cause of an acute cold cough is almost always viruses. An antibiotic therapy - which can only act against bacteria - is therefore indicated only in exceptional cases. The herbal supplements, however, have been shown to provide faster relief of cough compared to placebo. Extracts of anise, myrtol, peppermint, eucalyptus, thyme, ivy leaves and primrose roots are listed by the lung and respiratory specialists as expectorants. According to the guideline, antitussive properties include extracts of thyme, plantain, drosera and wool flowers.

However, by far not all preparations containing such plants meet the required scientific quality criteria. Therefore, the guidelines of the professional society explicitly state: „Results of elaborate studies with phytopharmaceuticals are not valid for the investigated plant (s), but only for the tested specimen, because the methods of extraction, standardization and production have a decisive influence on the efficacy“.

Herbal cough medicine is also particularly suitable in the treatment of children. Children are still prescribed by prescription and are exempted from the additional payment until the age of 12. (Pm)

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Picture: Dr. Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt