Hunger food fortification no solution

Hunger food fortification no solution / Health News

Enrichment of food is not an adequate strategy against malnutrition


Hunger and its deadly consequences are still one of the key global challenges. So concerns „Micronutrient deficiency, too hidden hungercalled, about two billion people worldwide“, reports the aid organization terre des hommes. The enrichment of food with dietary supplements is in the opinion of "terre des hommes" but no solution.

„Enriched food should only be used as a temporary measure in special situations and for particularly vulnerable target groups when needed“ the message from terre des hommes. The fortified foods can not replace the structures of sustainable food security. Worthwhile here „a balanced diet based on locally available resources“.

Do not tinker with the symptoms of hunger
The micronutrient deficiency (deficit of vitamins and minerals) forms a significant part of the global „Nutritional problems that affect the lives of people and societies for sustainable development“, reports terre des hommes. Food supplements, however, are in the view of the aid organization, however, not suitable to counteract the lack of micronutrients sustainable. „Food fortification only fiddles with the symptoms of hunger and malnutrition, but causes are not taken into account“, quotes the „taz“ the CEO of terre des hommes, Danuta Sacher.

Long-term effect of enriched food unclear
The experts of terre des hommes also criticize the lack of independent scientific studies, „adequately analyze the long-term effects of the use of fortified foods.“ So would „all statements on the positive effects of the use of fortified foods on comparatively short-term impact measurements“ based. Also Wolfgang Jamann, secretary general of Welthungerhilfe, emphasizes in the article of the „taz“, that the efficacy and health consequences of dietary supplements have not been adequately studied.

Creation of dependencies
Another criticism of the fortified dietary supplements is terre des hommes according to their resource intensity. This would create dependencies and tie up financial resources and labor, „lack of local and national efforts to build sustainable food security systems with existing local resources and self-sufficiency.“ Therefore, the financial resources of development cooperation should not flow into industrial products for food fortification, „but strengthen self-care systems in countries with chronic malnutrition based on their own resources and knowledge“, explains terre des hommes. The use of tax credits to develop fortified food markets (for example the BMZ program Global Food Partnership in cooperation with BASF, Bayer CropScience or Syngenta) should be questioned, as should the insufficient transparency of these measures.

Strengthen rural structures on the ground
According to terre des hommes, there are „From a development policy point of view, no alternative to concentrating development cooperation on developing the potential of local resources for overcoming malnutrition.“ As a positive example, the aid organization calls that in Indian „Child-in-Need Institute“ Recipe developed in Calcutta „Nutrimix“, consisting of rice, wheat and vegetables. Those have been using locally grown foods „In children causes a weight gain of nine grams per kilogram of body weight and day.“ The counter-example is to the Secretary-General of Welthungerhilfe according to the so-called „Golden rice“, which trumps by genetic engineering changes with an increased beta carotene content. This will be converted by the body into vitamin A, but it remains unclear whether the rice in the countries concerned throw enough yield and whether a body in the state of malnutrition can convert the beta carotene as intended. Rather than relying on technical solutions that primarily benefit multinational corporations, terre des hommes believes that local farming structures should be supported and strengthened in such a way that sustainable food security becomes possible. (Fp)