Centenarians are getting happier and fitter

Number of centenarians has tripled
The number of centenarians has tripled in Germany in the past twelve years. Scientists from the University of Heidelberg have interviewed the oldest people in our society and found that they are getting happier and fitter. According to the „Second Heidelberg centenarian study“ After all, 31 percent of centenarians live alone in their own household. On average, they suffer from four chronic diseases, but are still happier than the 60-year-olds.
The picture of the centenarians needs to be corrected
In the face of countless media reports on nursing and senile dementia is the idea of many younger people to be very old not positive. Aging is often associated with the loss of autonomy. On the other hand, examples such as Johannes Heesters, who stood in front of the camera until shortly before his death, show that life in old age can be very fulfilled. As Heidelberg researchers discovered in a study, there are also numerous gray levels between black and white. Although many of the centenarians are injured, they still have a lot to do, said the scientists in an interview with the „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ (FAZ). On Friday they presented the „Second Heidelberg centenarian study“ in front. About ten years ago, the investigation was carried out for the first time.
According to the data of the Land Residents' Offices, the number of centenarians since 2001 has tripled in the Heideberg area. „We were very surprised“, explained Daniela Jopp, head of the second study, to the FAZ. „We had expected a doubling. Apparently, demographic change is happening faster than expected, and society is well advised to adjust to it.“ As the gerontologist reported, this time it had been more difficult to persuade the elders to take part in the investigation. „The centenarians of today are active and have a lot in mind“, said Jopp. „At the same time they know that they have to keep well with their limited energy. They say clearly what they want and what is too much for them.“
Four out of five centenarians are satisfied with their lives
For many of the centenarians, it would be problematic that their social network would become thinner and they had to give up hobbies because their social partners, friends and relatives would die. In addition, the elderly also burdened physical limitations such as the declining energy. An average of four chronic illnesses were causing problems for both men and women, as well as diminishing eyesight and hearing performance. Two-thirds of the respondents said that they also suffered from problems with balance and movement, even falling. „But that only partly affects the quality of life“, Jopp explained clearly. „Four out of five centenarians have testified that they are happy with their lives. This is a similar proportion to that of middle-aged people.“
Already the first Heidelberg study showed that the centenarians were as happy as the forty-year-olds and even happier than the 60-year-olds. „Not infrequently we observe that physical and mental resources decrease significantly“, Jopp told the newspaper. „But many centenarians tell us that they enjoy the moment and gratefully look to life.“ One in ten centenarians wishes to die according to the study.
Centenarians have an optimistic attitude
The scientists also examined the psychological strengths of the very old. Thus, many centenarians benefit from a positive attitude, the will to live as well as the ability to see meaning in life. In addition, the self-efficacy is important, which allows them to lead a self-determined and self-formed life. This includes everyday things like preparing your own lunch or making appointments. „Even adolescents, despite their limitations, still have the feeling that they control their own lives“, explained Jopp. „The concept of care with its tightly timed schedule should therefore be revised. It is important that the need for self-reliance is respected and independent behavior is encouraged.“ The need for autonomy is expressed in the fact that about one third (31 percent) of centenarians still live alone in their own household. Five percent live together with their spouse.
As the scientists report, the skills of the elderly would have improved significantly compared to the first study. 83 percent of them could therefore still eat independently today. In the first study, it was only 61 percent. After all, 22 percent of centenarians would prepare their own meals, a fourfold increase compared to the first study. 19 per cent still care about their financial interests; in 2011, according to the study, this figure was only nine per cent.
More and more centenarians
A demographic study of researchers from the University of Rostock to Professor Roland Rau also shows an unexpectedly rapid increase in the number of centenarians. While it is still considered something special to become 100 years old or even older, this could become the norm in the future. Because such a life expectancy, according to Rostock study is very likely to be nothing unusual in today's born. Model calculations showed that half of those born today would be 100 years old, and that many newborns would experience the next century, Rau reported. Since 1960, the mortality rate of 80-year-olds has more than halved in many countries. Specifically, this means that eleven out of 100 eighty-year-old women died 50 years ago, before their 81st birthday, while today only four are affected.
An essential reason for the increasing life expectancy is the „cardiovascular revolution“ to find, write the researchers. Doctors today are able to treat diseases of the heart such as coronary heart disease and blood vessels such as arteriosclerosis better and more effectively. Accordingly, the number of deaths from myocardial infarction or stroke is much lower. (Ag)
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Picture credits: Jerzy Sawluk