Dog cough requires an investigation

Four-legged friends with a cough need a medical examination
Dogs also suffer more from coughing during the wet-cold season. The dog owners should not ignore this, because - as in humans - often a persistent infection of the upper respiratory tract is behind the persistent cough of four-legged friends. Overall, there are a whole series of diseases that can trigger coughing in the dog, such as heart disease, reports the Federal Veterinary Association (BTK) in a recent press release.
The dog's coughing should be urgently examined by a veterinarian, in order to make a clear diagnosis and initiate therapeutic countermeasures. However, it is „even for an experienced small animal practitioner not always easy“, to determine the cause of coughing, the BTK continues. A thorough examination to clarify the symptoms is always necessary here.
If the dog suffers from an upper respiratory tract infection, this usually causes a dry and wheezing cough for several days, accompanied by severe gagging with and without slimy-foamy expectoration, the experts report. These diseases are also known as „kennel cough“ The name is a bit irritating for many pet owners, Dr. Thomas Steidl, practical veterinarian and member of the committee for small animals of the Federal Chamber of Veterinarians. She is referring „The fact that especially where many dogs are kept - ie in dog kennels, animal shelters or earlier in kennels - the disease was and is very widespread due to the high risk of infection“, Steidl explained. The term therefore does not refer to dogs that actually live in the kennel.
Possible triggers of kennel coughing are transmitted - viruses and various bacteria - „by droplet infection, that is, infected animals sneeze or cough, thus infecting other dogs“, reports the Federal Chamber of Veterinary Medicine. According to the experts are especially dogs that have a lot of contact with conspecifics, for example, on dog courses or dog play fields. The infection can last up to two weeks and not infrequently „be treated with an antibiotic because of secondary bacterial infection“, BTK continues. During the illnesses, the dogs should be kept as calm as possible according to the Federal Chamber of Veterinary Medicine. Physical stress should be avoided so that the cough does not cause pneumonia. In addition, the dogs must be consistently kept away from their conspecifics, so that they do not get infected, explains the BTK in their latest press release. (Fp)
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