Dogs as a treatment for hypertension

Dogs can lower blood pressure
Exercise plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure. Here is „a dog the ideal exercise trainer! The disciplined and drives you regularly outside the door“, explained Dr. Bettina Begerow, prevention expert of the German Stroke Help Foundation.
According to the information of the German Stroke Help, „shows a large-scale long-term study from Taiwan“, which positive effect the daily walk with the dog can have. Because „very little“ could „help a lot.“ Statistically, 15 minutes of walking a day would be enough to live three years longer, reports the German Stroke Assistance. The prerequisite is that the movement is maintained regularly and on a long-term basis. Dog owners are almost automatically stopped to this minimum level of movement.
Up to 30 million Germans with high blood pressure
Hypertension is a very common condition that is considered to be a significant heart attack and stroke risk factor. Up to 30 million people in Germany are affected by expert estimates. „The good news: Especially with slight increases in blood pressure, the patient can achieve much with a consistent change in lifestyle, sometimes even make medications superfluous“, reports the German Stroke Help. This is now also considered in the European guidelines for the treatment of hypertension, which after its last adjustment „Patients even more than before in the obligation“, explained Dr. Bettina Begerov.
Refrain from smoking, healthy eating and exercise
Patients benefit from a strict abstinence from smoking, a healthy Mediterranean diet and adequate exercise combined with weight control „Chances to get a light high blood pressure under control“, reports the German Stroke Help. But according to Dr. Begerow fails this health plan often in the movement. The prevention expert therefore advises the purchase of a dog, because this must several times a day in front of the door. Just a short walk could help to increase the daily exercise and thus counteract hypertension.
Daily exercise with the dog also reduces the risk of cancer
The physical activity of at least 15 minutes of exercise per day not only had a protective effect on the heart and brain in the Taiwanese study with 420,000 participants, but also „very positive for the cancer risk“ The German stroke aid continues to be reported. In addition, positive effects on the mood of the subjects had been observed. The movement „makes even good mood“, so the announcement of the foundation. (Fp)