Dog dies after bathing in the lake - blue-green algae blame?

Dog died after bathing in the lake - blue-green algae could be the cause
In North Rhine-Westphalia, a dog died at the weekend after a bath in a quarry. Another quadruped is still fighting for his life. Blue algae may have formed in the lake as a result of the summer weather. These plants can also lead to health problems in humans.
Death after bath in the Baggersee
On Sunday, a dog died after a bath in Klutensee in Lüdinghausen (North Rhine-Westphalia). Another quadruped is still fighting for his life. This emerges from a joint press release of the city Lüdinghausen and the district police authority Coesfeld. It is believed that blue-green algae may have formed in the quarry due to the summer weather.

Harmful consequences threaten
As it says in the message, the cause research is still running. Precautionary warnings are made before using the Klutensee.
Blue-green algae can kill cats and dogs. Even in humans, the toxins produced by the algae may cause adverse health effects on contact or ingestion.
Possible symptoms that may be present are skin problems such as an itchy rash, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, skin and mucous membrane irritation, conjunctivitis and earache.
In addition, blue-green algae are often associated with symptoms such as headache and fever.
Allergy sufferers and people who suffer from atopic dermatitis or asthma should avoid any contact, according to experts.
Special caution is also required for children as they often react with worse signs of intoxication.
Blue-green algae multiply very strongly at high temperatures
Since the plants multiply particularly strongly at high temperatures, there are blue-green warnings repeatedly in the summer months in Germany.
On the website of the Federal Environment Agency there is an audio article explaining "what to look for when bathing".
Among other things, it is advised to do without the bathing fun, if the visibility is too low. For example, if you are knee-deep in the water and can not see your feet, it is not recommended to swim in the lake. (Ad)