Accumulation of meningitis

Accumulation of meningitis / Health News

Increased enterovirus infections in the district of Bayreuth


Since the beginning of July there is an accumulation of enterovirus infections in the district of Bayreuth. The Klinikum Bayreuth sees itself prepared for the increased occurrence of the diseases.

Further spread not excluded
In Klinikum Bayreuth, an accumulation of patients with enterovirus infections has been registered since the beginning of July. It is striking that the cases come mainly from the southern district. Dr. However, Sven Schimanski, chief physician of the Institute for Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology (ILM) of Klinikum Bayreuth GmbH, says: „A further spread of the pathogen in the city of Bayreuth, however, can not be ruled out.“

So far diagnosed 26 cases
The Bayreuth clinic has so far diagnosed 26 cases of enterovirus infections. Half of the patients were children, some younger than five years old. All concerned show a complication-free course. An enterovirus infection can cause various diseases, but sometimes it can be completely symptom-free. Typical for the course are several days of persistent fever and chills. In the vernacular, such a disease is also called „summer flu“ designated. Occasionally, however, the virus can also cause meningitis (meningitis) with usually good prognosis.

Accumulation of meningitis
The current enterovirus epidemic is characterized by the relatively high number of patients with meningitis as well as the frequent illness of young adults. Typical symptoms of meningitis are headache, incompatibility of light, stiff neck, nausea and fever. In addition, you may experience general symptoms such as fatigue, muscle aches, abdominal pain, diarrhea or an acute rash. In Bayreuth you can see yourself well prepared and prepared for a possibly increasing number of illnesses. Targeted hygiene measures are intended to exclude as far as possible the transmission of the pathogen to other patients, and by means of a special method of molecular diagnostics for the detection of viral infections, the diagnosis can be made reliably and thus unnecessary diagnostic and therapeutic measures can be avoided. In addition, the responsible health authorities are continuously informed about the current evidence.

Danger by thorough hand washing
The enterovirus occurs more frequently, especially in the summer and autumn months, and is distributed worldwide. It is transmitted on the way of smear infection. Therefore, the risk of infection by thorough and repeated hand washing, for example, before eating or after going to the toilet, can be contained. Due to the easy transferability it comes to outbreaks, especially in community facilities such as kindergartens or crèches. (Ad)

Picture credits: B. Proud