Frequent genital herpes Comprehensive treatment with tablets helps

React promptly in case of genital herpes outbreak
Genital herpes (also: genital herpes) is a disease that people rarely talk about openly. In addition, the risk awareness in the population is rather limited, although genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases according to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWIG). Many people are transmitters of the virus, without being aware of it, and who has once infected with herpes viruses, this lifelong in the body.
In most cases, an infection with herpes viruses does not lead to a disease and 90 out of 100 infected get no or only very inconspicuous symptoms, reports the IQWIG. But when it comes to complaints, they are often painful and also mentally stressful. And who once had genital herpes, usually have to do with it again and again - even if the outbreaks become weaker and rarer with time. Today, however, there are treatments that can alleviate the symptoms and shorten an outbreak, according to the IQWIG.

Uncertainty of those affected
The genital herpes diagnosis is usually very uncomfortable for those affected and automatically raises many questions. Where did I get infected? How do I explain it to my partner? With whom should one even talk about it? The list of questions can be continued for a long time, but the most important thing is first of all timely treatment and avoidance of further transfers.
Painful blisters on the skin
In particular, the symptoms of the first outbreak of genital herpes can be extremely unpleasant for those affected and threaten in the worst case life-threatening complications such as inflammation in the brain. Basically, the Genital herpes shows in an outbreak of painful inflamed skin in the genital area and the formation of small bubbles that burst with the time and wet. In the course of the healing then scab forms.
Increased complaints at the first outbreak
The skin irritations are often accompanied by a strong itching and burning sensation. Women also often have pain when urinating, explain the experts of the IQWIG. When first appearing the complaints are usually particularly strong and in addition to the typical skin symptoms are often fever, headache, general fatigue and muscle pain and swollen lymph nodes in the groin added.
"Anyone who already carries another herpes virus in the body, may have already built up a certain defense against herpes viruses" and in these cases "the symptoms are often weaker at the first outbreak than in people who have no contact with herpes viruses IQWIG explained on its portal "". In addition, according to the experts, the complaints can be more severe and last longer if the immune system is weakened.
Genital herpes is often transmitted unknowingly
The risk of infection is slightly higher for women than for men, and in total about ten to fifteen out of 100 people in Germany are infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2, the most common genital herpes), with only ten to 30 percent of them suffer from genital herpes, reports the IQWIG. Mostly the virus is passed on by people who do not know that they are infected. In addition, the infection at the onset of the first symptoms months or years ago.
Diagnosis based on laboratory tests
If a genital herpes infection is suspected, a specialist medical examination should be urgently performed, even if there are no symptoms. To determine the pathogens, a swab is taken from the affected skin area in obvious skin complaints and then examined this sample in the laboratory for herpes viruses. In people without symptoms, it is a bit more difficult to diagnose the infection, but here it is possible to test for herpes antibodies. If there are HSV-2 antibodies, it could cause genital herpes.
Treatment for genital herpes
If genital herpes is detected, treatment with virus-inhibiting drugs based on the active ingredients aciclovir, famciclovir or valacyclovir usually takes place during an initial outbreak, reports the IQWIG. The tablets can curb the discomfort and shorten the duration of the disease by a few days, the creams or ointments with virus-inhibiting drugs do not help with genital herpes, according to the Institute.

Renal herpes outbreaks do not necessarily have to be treated
In subsequent outbreaks of genital herpes the complaints are usually less pronounced and treatment is then not necessarily necessary, explains the IQWIG. If treatment is given, it is best to start within the first 24 hours of the onset - ideally, as soon as the first symptoms appear, the institute continues. This is easier if you always have appropriate tablets at home or while traveling. With repeated very strong outbreaks, a preventive treatment with drugs, which significantly reduce the risk of outbreaks.
Avoid transmission
In order to avoid infection of people, people with genital herpes are advised to abstain from sex as soon as an outbreak suggests, since the risk of transmission during an outbreak is greatest. However, even (infected) people without symptoms can pass on the virus, the IQWIG reports. By using condoms in the symptom-free time can reduce the risk of infection significantly. In addition, infected people should talk to the partner or the partner about it and if both partners make a blood test for antibodies, it can be estimated, who carries which virus types in the body - and if there is a risk of infection, explains the IQWIG. (Fp)