Frequent menstrual pain suggestive of endometriosis

Menstruation: Frequent menstrual pain suggestive of endometriosis
If women are often in pain during their period, this can be an indication of a serious illness. Affected persons should have the cause clarified by a doctor. The trigger could be endometriosis, a chronic disease that is one of the most common causes of infertility.
Frequent menstrual pain should be clarified by a doctor
If women are always in pain during their menses, this can be an indication of a serious illness. Patients are advised to have the cause clarified by a doctor. The trigger for the discomfort could be the chronic disease endometriosis, in which uterine lining proliferates outside the uterus and leads to inflammation and adhesions. This is indicated by the European Endometriosis League (EEL) at the Endometriosis Awareness Week (3 to 9 March).
Early diagnosis important for therapy
According to EEL, 70-80 percent of women with chronic pelvic pain are diagnosed with endometriosis as the cause of this pain. About one in ten women get sick. Estimates suggest that around half of all women who can not have children suffer from endometriosis. In order to be able to initiate a therapy in time, an early diagnosis is especially important. „If the therapy starts too late, then unnecessary valuable time may have passed. With advancing age then the fertility rate is increasingly impaired“, EEL board member PD Dr. Ing. Stefan Renner in a press release. He advises urgently: „For typical symptoms, go immediately to the doctor. These include severe and recurrent pelvic pain, painful periods, but also pain during sex and bowel movements.“
Hormone preparations for the complaints
As a rule, sufferers are treated with hormone supplements such as the birth control pill in order to alleviate the usually cyclical symptoms. If this is not enough, the pain-causing tissue can be surgically removed. Some women even go through this procedure several times to finally find relief. Nevertheless, there are women whose pain is getting worse.
Alternative treatment options
In endometriosis, alternative therapies are also increasingly recommended. These include homeopathy and traditional Chinese medicine such as acupuncture. Overweight people should reduce their weight. A healthy diet that eliminates milk, dairy and wheat, and consumes lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, cold-pressed oils such as evening primrose oil, olive oil and linseed oil, as well as fatty sea fish because of the omega-3 fatty acids, helps many patients overcome the symptoms alleviate. (Ad)