Frequent skin complaints in the summer - what helps against it!

Frequent skin complaints in the summer - what helps against it! / Health News

The sun will cause a lot of skin damage this year

For some, this summer is a dream, for others, the heat is a burden and for some even a health hazard. Whether you like the record heat or not, one thing is clear: our biggest organ, the skin, gets a lot of sun this summer and is therefore exposed to increased dangers. A dermatology professor reports on the five most common skin problems this summer brings - and what you can do about it.

Norbert Sepp is a university professor and head of the Department of Dermatology at the Linz Medical Center. "Sun actually does us humans good, because it helps to form the so important vitamin D," explains the skin expert in a message of the religious hospital. One should live the heat as the Southerners pretend: According to Sepp, the sun should be avoided as much as possible between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm, as this is the period during which most of the UV rays and, therefore, the most frequent health effects caused by the sun.

Sunburn is one of the most common skin injuries caused by excessive UV radiation. But also sun allergy, brown spots, Mallorca acne and heat pimples are much seen sun damage this summer. (Image: Rostislav Sedlacek / fotolia)

These are the five most common sun-related skin problems

As the dermatologist reports, skin damage can occur under extreme sun exposure. This would be five complaints emerge that have occurred this summer, especially common:

  • sun allergy,
  • Mallorca acne,
  • Brown spots,
  • sunburn,
  • Heat rash.

What helps against sun allergy?

According to the university professor, sun allergy is the most common light disease (photodermatosis). "Sun allergy usually occurs in adolescence, and then when the sun hits on pale skin," said Sepp. Women are three to four times more affected than men. The symptom is often an itchy rash that often spreads to the cleavage, hands and feet. It can also lead to blisters or wheals, which are reminiscent of insect bites. Once broken, the allergy lasts a lifetime, reports the skin expert. In the case of a sun allergy, prophylactic UV therapy can help to treat the skin with artificial UV radiation before the summer season. Cortisone cream would help against the breakouts.

What can one do against Mallorca acne?

This form of photodermatosis is triggered by fatty sunscreens in combination with UV rays, explains the expert. A pore infection is the result. Signs of Mallorca acne are red patches and itchy pustules on the skin. The Techniker Krankenkasse reported on its website that helps against the itching cooling. Affected areas of the skin, for example, should be cooled with a cool pack or gel. Fatty creams or lotions should never be used. Also, the constant itching should not be met with scratching, as it could increase the symptoms. Until the pustules have healed, it is better to avoid direct sunlight. Often Mallorca Acne disappears after a few days. In severe cases, the family doctor should be consulted, who can help with cortisone creams or with antihistamines.

How to treat brown spots?

"In younger women, hormones often cause browning on the forehead, cheeks, or around the mouth, the so-called melasma," reports Sepp. The brown spots would be caused by taking the contraceptive pill or during pregnancy and fade over time by itself. The dermatologist gives another tip for fresh scars. Since the dark pigmentation can also occur on fresh scar tissue, it should be better protected from direct sunlight.

Quick help with sunburn

Sunburn is probably one of the most famous sun damage of the skin. "Almost all people underestimate the power of the sun, against which even the highest sun protection factor does not work 100 percent," says the expert. Often the reflective surfaces in particular are underestimated. For example, if you float on a mattress over a lake, the power of the sun is as strong as in Kenya. In addition to common home remedies for sunburn, these emergency measures can help with sunburn:

  1. Immediately visit a shady spot.
  2. Use a damp cloth to cool the head and affected area.
  3. Drink plenty of water.
  4. Apply after-sun, panthenol or aloe vera spray on the affected areas (alternatively quark rolls are also available).
  5. Treat affected area with coconut oil at bedtime.

Heat rash

Heat pimples are often on the back, when the skin is moist for a long time and clog the pores. As a result, the hair follicles can become inflamed. "This happens when you wear tight clothing or a backpack, for example," says Sepp. Here, the dermatologist gives the all-clear. In most cases, the pimples would disappear as soon as you stop sweating. (Vb)