Have coughs examined in babies
Check coughing in babies: irritating gastric acid in the esophagus could be a cause.
Frequent regurgitation with fluid in infants is normal in the first year after birth. Coughing, hawking and wheezing, on the other hand, can be an indication of an irritated esophagus. The baby's esophagus could be irritated by stomach acid. Parents should consult a pediatrician in this case, as the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) currently points out.
Frequent regurgitation with fluid does not necessarily indicate a serious condition. This phenomenon is also called liquid eructation, and almost always it just grows out. Coughing, coughing or wheezing the baby often, the esophagus may be irritated by over-produced stomach acid. If there are other symptoms such as rapid weight gain and blood in the vomit, a pediatrician should be consulted very quickly. These signs could indicate a malformation of the intestine.
Under no circumstances should parents start with self-initiated medication. Medicines for reflux or heartburn are not suitable for treating infants. Because these funds often contain a lot of sodium, which in turn can have other serious health consequences for the child.
In summary, the following symptoms require medical clarification:
- The baby does not grow and does not grow as normal for age, or it has anemia (too little red blood cells or red blood pigment).
- The baby has pain in the esophagus - in this case it is irritated, often screaming or writhing in the back in pain.
- Frequent coughing, hawking or wheezing can also be a sign that the baby's esophagus is irritated or inflamed by stomach acid.
- Passed or gushing vomit - when the gastrointestinal muscles cramp and spew food in larger quantities and with some pressure.
- Whenever there is blood in the vomit.
Caution and close attention is also important because the child loses much fluid through vomiting, which can cause the child to dehydrate very quickly (internal dehydration). If the baby has diarrhea and fever, the symptoms indicate a medical emergency. Here, a doctor should be consulted very quickly. (sb, 04.10.2010)
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Image: Lisa Black