Hormone-like plasticizers in the food

Hormone-like plasticizers in the food / Health News

Study identifies plasticizer exposure of Germans via diet


A recent study by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has determined how many plasticizer substances people in Germany eat through food. The result showed that the pollution with the plasticizer DEHP indeed „in the tolerable range“ would be, but there is still a permanent burden. In addition, one percent of the food tested exceeded the limit.

Many plasticisers in ready meals and sauces
Especially many plasticizers can be found in fatty sauces and ready meals. These contained high concentrations of DEHP in the analyzes. DEHP is the abbreviation for di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. For example, this substance keeps plastics such as PVC soft and supple. The substance was recently approved by the European Union as well as Bisphenol A „toxic for reproduction“ classified. Numerous studies have found that plasticisers have a hormone-like effect and thus interfere with reproduction. In addition, damage in the womb can already be triggered. Since then, no plasticizer substances may be used in pacifiers, children's articles or cosmetics. Measurements carried out by the Federal Environmental Agency from 2003 to 2006 carried out a survey of DEHP in about 1.5 percent of all children in Germany - but it was not clear by which route they had taken up the plasticizer.

The aim of the study was to measure the amount that people in Germany receive from plasticisers and to determine so-called intake pathways. For this purpose, the scientists collected data from the last 20 years on nutrition for children, adolescents and adults in Germany. In addition, the different intake paths of over 37 food groups, toys and products such as plastics in shoes, cosmetics, house dust, car interior air and textiles were taken into account.

Children: Softener through food and toys
As a result, it was found that the highest amount of plasticizer is absorbed by food. „Currently, it is an average of 13 to 21 micrograms of DEHP per kilogram of body weight“, the Risk Institute. „The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has established a daily maximum level of 50 micrograms / kg body weight for this emollient that can be ingested for a lifetime without any harm to health (tolerable daily intake, TDI).“. For most German consumers, the intake of hormone-like substances is below the EU limit. In about one percent of Germans, however, the tolerance would be exceeded, because they consume an excessive amount of foods that have a high proportion of plasticizers.

The plasticizer intake in children occurs in about 50 percent of the food intake. Other sources are dust and toys. This is especially true for children who spend a lot of time on the floor. They absorb a lot more chemicals than others. In the present study was the „mean total exposure to children at 15-44 micrograms per kilogram of body weight and day.“

Minimize intake by fresh food
All foods such as meat, cheese, milk, vegetables, bread or fruit can be contaminated with the chemicals. During the study, however, the level of stress in fatty sauces such as mayonnaise and oily ready meals such as vegetables and meat from glasses was particularly high. Preserves also usually contained significantly higher plasticizer values. The contaminations are caused by the packaging and processing. Although DEHP has been banned by the EU in packaging containing fatty foods, it is still found in imported products. Also, the environment is still very contaminated, so that the substances also appear in the food.

The uptake of plasticizers can be minimized. So it makes sense, for example, to grab more of fresh food, whose packaging is not made of plastic. In addition, typical ready meals should be avoided. „Product brands should be changed more often. For the same foods may contain different amounts of DEHP depending on their origin. It is also recommended to clean floors and carpets more often“, so the federal institute.

Parents of toddlers recommend the risk assessors to only have things in their mouths that are specifically designed for this purpose. Although the plasticizing substance was banned in 1999 for children's toys, but it is found again and again in children's articles. Even older toys often contain plasticizers. (Sb)

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