Hormones for trees Relief for allergy sufferers

Hormones for trees Relief for allergy sufferers / Health News

Hormone injections for trees should help allergy sufferers


In Australia, a trial has begun that could allow allergy sufferers to breathe easier sooner. In the city of Melbourne hormone injections for trees to facilitate visitors with hay fever life. The project is designed for two years.

Hormones for 5,000 trees
In the Australian metropolis of Melbourne hormone injections for trees to facilitate visitors with hay fever life. A spokeswoman for the city administration announced, according to a message from the news agency dpa on Monday that a two-year trial is already under way. It is said that the hormones are injected into the soil around the logs by plane trees. They are designed to suppress the secretion of pollen, which irritates the nose, throat and eyes in people with allergies. According to the spokeswoman, there are 5,000 plane trees in the city center of the second largest city on the continent.

Australia's spring during Europe's autumn
In most parts of Australia, spring lasts from September to November. Therefore, there is now the hay fever season, which started in Europe this year already in March. According to data from the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB), about 13 million people in Germany suffer from a pollen allergy, which colloquially is also referred to as hay fever. Many sufferers opt for hyposensitization to treat the overreaction of the immune system. In addition to medications that can alleviate symptoms such as runny nose, itchy and watery eyes or difficulty breathing, home remedies for hay fever are also available if you want to tackle the symptoms in a natural way. (Ad)