Hormone levels due to sunscreen and cosmetics

Hormone levels due to sunscreen and cosmetics / Health News
Sun creams and other cosmetics may contain hormonally active ingredients. They are suspected of harming the environment, health and fertility and promoting cancer. The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) informs about the risks. The app "ToxFox" of the BUND offers support in the deliberate purchase of cosmetics.

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Many cosmetic manufacturers use endocrine disruptors in their products, hormone-active substances. They are used, for example, as preservatives in creams or as UV filters in sunscreens. The problem with these substances is that they can affect humans and the environment like hormones, damage the health and reproductive ability of humans and animals, and pollute the environment.

The potential effects of endocrine disruptors in the environment and on humans include, for example, damage to the development of animals and plants, such as amphibious metamorphism or fish reproductive malformations, to the dangers of whole populations of mammals, fish and snails. Some hormone-active substances are also suspected of promoting certain cancers in humans. More information on the effects of endocrine disruptors can be found on the REACH information portal of the Federal Environment Agency.

Helpful app for shopping
For example, some cosmetics manufacturers are already doing without parabens. A look at the list of ingredients provides information. With the "ToxFox" app of the German Federal Government for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND), consumers can scan the barcode of cosmetic products and immediately see if hormonal substances are contained. (Pm)