Hops Ingredients - Beer can strengthen the structure of the intestinal wall cells
Although beer is extremely popular in many countries, for health reasons it is often advised against regular or excessive consumption. In small quantities, however, the barley juice may be beneficial to your health. According to researchers, a hops ingredient strengthens the intestinal wall.
Do not drink too much alcohol
Beer is high on the list of favorite German drinks. Too much should not be drunk. After all, a high consumption not only promotes the development of a beer belly, but can in principle damage any organ of the human body. Only recently, Munich researchers reported on a study that showed that high beer consumption is often a trigger for cardiac arrhythmias. However, there is also evidence that the popular barley juice may be beneficial to health.
Health benefits of low beer consumption
For example, British scientists in a study found that moderate drinking (such as one a day) can reduce the risk of severe heart disease.
And researchers from Switzerland have now found out that a molecule of hops strengthens the "putty" between intestinal wall cells and thus the barrier against toxins and bacteria, reports the national news agency of Switzerland (sda).
The discovery of the experts from the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), however, should not lead to increased beer consumption for the purpose of intestinal protection. However, a dietary supplement might be developed.
The intestine takes on different functions
The intestine regulates not only the digestion and the absorption of nutrients, but also the water balance of the body. In addition, it forms an important protective barrier and ensures that no toxins or bacteria end up in the bloodstream.
As explained in the sda message, intestinal wall cells are linked by a kind of "putty": proteins that bind the membranes of adjacent cells, making the interstices impermeable.
This "putty" is also called "tight junctions". In certain diseases, such as Crohn's disease or food intolerance, this barrier is damaged.
Hops ingredient strengthens the intestinal wall
The team led by Veronika Butterweck from the FHNW School of Life Sciences, together with colleagues from Austria and Germany, discovered that so-called prenylflavonoids from hops, which are also found in beer, can strengthen and sometimes even repair these "tight junctions".
To arrive at their results, the researchers used a kind of artificial intestinal wall in the cell culture dish. The transmission was tested by measuring the electrical resistance.
After scientists simulated diseases such as Crohn's disease with an inflammatory messenger and damaged the artificial intestinal wall, it became more permeable.
Subsequently, four different ingredients of hops were tested for a possible influence on the "tight junctions".
It became apparent that the barrier became more impermeable after several days of treatment with one of these substances, the so-called 8-prenylnaringinine. Thus, the "putty" between the cells regenerated again.
As the researchers in an article, which was recently accepted by the journal "Journal of Natural Products" for publication, report, he was protected by pre-treatment with the hop molecule and the inflammatory messenger.
Positive effects of flavonoids
"There have been indications from various previous studies that flavonoids have a positive effect on the tight junctions," said Butterweck in an interview with the news agency sda.
This effect is already known, for example, with the flavonoid kaempferol, which is found in vegetables and fruits, among others in grapes and grapefruit.
"Now it would be interesting to make a comparison of the different phytonutrients, what is the protective effect for the intestinal wall," said Butterweck.
Prenylflavonoids are more likely to be found in the dark American Ale and Porter beers as well as in Pilsener, but less in yeast wheat.
Alternative on natural substance basis
Nevertheless, the scientists advise against increased beer consumption for intestinal protection. However, it would be conceivable that based on this discovery, a wellness drink can be created that strengthens the intestine as a dietary supplement.
"There are already yoghurts and similar products with lactobacilli that strengthen the intestinal wall. But you could develop a natural-based alternative, "said the researcher. However, she and her team are not working on a medical application. (Ad)