Honorary reform doctors earned more in 2009
Fee reform: Doctors deserved more in 2009: The Chief of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) Andreas Köhler has confirmed that the fees of doctors in Germany in 2009 have increased by 3.4 instead of 2.5 billion.
For 2010, a further 1.7 billion euros have been negotiated. According to the physician's report 2010, established doctors in Germany treat Barmer GEK on average about 45 patients per working day and have about eight minutes for a patient.
Some groups of physicians had feared at the beginning of the fee reform that it would come to a loss. That's why there were a few cases of so-called medical tests and protest rallies. This has not happened and the fees have increased. Köhler even told WELT ONLINE that he „ never carried out a compensation reform“ have, „where there were so many winners“.
However, the chief medical officer to WELT ONLINE refused a fee for doctors. He sees no room here. He said to Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler (FDP) as far as support in the cost containment in the German health care system, as he sees in spending on medicines and drugs and a share of responsibility among the doctors.
The Barmer GEK had announced after the publication of their doctor's report 2010 that the health insurance companies, the GP associations and the Kassenärztliche associations should develop a common approach to improve the situation.
Observers are anxiously awaiting the next steps by the Federal Minister of Health in view of the thinning financial situation in the healthcare sector. They are concerned that they will be able to reduce the cost of contributions to the mass of the insured and improve medical care at the same time.
Already, many people secure themselves by the combination of statutory health insurance plus private supplementary insurance, since the additional payments for them are becoming more numerous. Particularly in the field of supplementary dental insurance, the growth rates have increased enormously in recent years. If supply levels continue to decline, this trend will continue.
In view of the statements made by KBV leader Köhler, doctors will certainly be held responsible for the rising costs. However, they are not responsible for the restructuring of the health system. The reasons for the growing costs are complex and complex. It does not help to keep your eyes on the numbers.
Healthcare work should be less characterized by hierarchical structures. In addition, the occupational groups should also cooperate better across all levels: eg. Orthopedists in case of functional complaints with osteopathic therapists or surgeons with the subsequently treated physiotherapists. The system of the Medical Care Centers (MVZ), which is reminiscent of former polyclinics, and with doctors from several disciplines under one roof, is also a sensible measure.
In some cases, the work should be better remunerated and respected. Especially midwives and nurses form a frequently underpaid professional group.
The driving force behind the measures should be better care for patients and health officials and health politicians. The economic benefit of individual measures and specific occupational groups should rank second and be made more homogeneous in the future. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 03.02.2010)