Honey water helps with weight loss and strengthens the health

Honey water helps with weight loss and strengthens the health / Health News
Every day a glass of honey-water sells diseases and can support a diet
Honey is an old and natural home remedy. It is designed to protect against diseases and to relieve symptoms such as irritating cough. Few people are likely to know that the combination of lukewarm water and honey can be particularly effective. According to a research paper, the honey-water must be drunk regularly and daily in order to achieve an effect. It would be best if the drink is consumed on an empty stomach.

Honey for health complaints
Honey is popular with many Germans. On average, every German consumes about a kilo of it every year. It is used for baking and cooking or for sweetening teas. In addition, honey has long been used against health problems. Among other things as a home remedy for cough or tonsillitis. In combination with water, honey can be particularly effective when consumed regularly.

Honey has been a natural remedy since time immemorial. Image; yellowj / fotolia

Traditional remedy
Healing with home remedies Honey was already used thousands of years ago in different cultures. Meanwhile, there are also various scientific studies that have dealt with the health effects of honey.

A good overview of the traditional and modern use of honey in diseases is provided by a study by scientists published in the journal Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences.

Among other things, the experts consider their use in the Indian healing arts of Ayurveda, ancient Egypt or Islamic medicine. For example, it discusses the effects of gastrointestinal complaints or fungal diseases.

Honey water on an empty stomach
What is less known to people: honey water also has many health benefits - but it must be consumed regularly and preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.

According to health experts, honey water helps to lose weight. This is because the mix is ​​very filling and reduces the cravings for sweets.

Honey has an antibiotic effect according to experts. And it contains anti-oxidants that fight free radicals, as well as numerous vitamins, minerals and enzymes that fight bacteria. The sweetener therefore helps to strengthen the immune system.

For gastrointestinal complaints
Honey water should help with regular use, inter alia, against abdominal pain and distended belly. Because the health drink neutralizes the gases in the intestinal tract and so relieves the symptoms.

Especially dark honey can help lower cholesterol. This also reduces the risk of heart disease such as heart attack.

Applied externally, honey also has health benefits. It is used to support wound healing of poorly healing wounds. In addition, a honey-enriched facial mask can provide pure skin.

Simply prepared
The preparation of honey water is very simple: Just mix a spoonful of pure honey in lukewarm water. This mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. The health drink protects with regular use not only from diseases, but also tastes very delicious. (Ad)