High risk of thrombosis in birth control pills - often neglected by doctors

High risk of thrombosis in birth control pills - often neglected by doctors / Health News

Unnecessary danger: Doctors often prescribe birth control pills with high risk of thrombosis

It has long been known that the birth control pill may be associated with numerous side effects. Among other things, some drugs increase the risk of thrombosis and embolism. Nevertheless, doctors still prescribe such medications far too often.

Drug with side effects

Fast, safe and comfortable: many women still rely on hormonal contraceptive methods. No wonder - when taken and used properly, birth control pills usually provide reliable protection and sexual freedom. However, the intake of the drug is associated with unpleasant side effects. This can lead, among other things, to weight gain, mood swings and headaches. It is also known that modern birth control pills threaten a high risk of thrombosis. However, such medicines are still widely prescribed by doctors.

According to the health insurance AOK more than 50 percent of all Hessians under 20 years prescribed by their doctor, a "contraceptive pill", which triggers with a higher probability of thrombosis or embolism. (Image: Wolfilser / fotolia.com)

Preparations with a lower risk of thrombosis formation

As reported by the AOK Hessen on their website, 53.3 percent of Hessians under the age of 20 are prescribed by their doctors a birth control pill which is more likely to cause thrombosis or embolism.

However, the health insurance company also points out that this ratio was still over 67 percent in 2012.

Since 2014, the recommendation of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) that physicians, especially young women who are taking the pill for the first time, should prescribe drugs with a lower risk of developing thrombosis and embolism.

"Especially with young first-time users, one should rely on medicines for which long-term studies are available. This message seems to arrive slowly but surely in practice, "said the head of the medical competence center of the AOK Hessen, Dr. med. Angela Smith.

At the same time, however, there is still "a lot of room for improvement", says the general practitioner.

Deadly danger

In a thrombosis, a blood clot (thrombus) forms in a blood vessel - usually in deep leg or pelvic veins. This blood clot constricts or clogs the vessel, which can result in serious sequelae.

For example, parts of the blood clot that dissolve into the lungs can cause a pulmonary embolism.

An undiscovered thrombosis quickly becomes a mortal danger. In Germany alone, an estimated 100,000 people die each year as a result of venous thrombosis.

Call emergency service immediately if there are signs of thrombosis

According to the AOK, women taking the pill should pay attention to typical signs of thrombosis and immediately call a doctor or emergency service if they recognize it, if they suspect a pulmonary embolism.

Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis include severe leg pain, a swollen leg, and a feeling of tightness or heaviness in the leg.

Higher skin temperature, bluish-red discoloration or shining of the skin on the leg may also indicate thrombosis.

Symptoms of pulmonary embolism include sudden difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, breath-dependent chest pain, palpitations and unexplained cough. (Ad)