High risk of death from particulate matter

High risk of death from particulate matter / Health News

Fine dust is more harmful than previously thought


The particulate matter pollution can be a serious problem for people living in big cities. Especially if they are exposed to a higher concentration over a longer period of time, the lung cancer risk increases considerably. It has been investigated by an international research group how much more forms of air pollution are due to particulate matter. The two Ulm scientists Gudrun Weinmayr and Professor Gabriele Nagel from the Ulm Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry have made a significant contribution.

Overall, the data from 17 European cohort studies were evaluated with a total of more than 300,000 subjects. For their analysis, the scientists also resorted to the data from cancer registries and were thus able to study the effects over a longer period of time. The results of the study with the title “European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects“ (ESCAPE) are now in the journal “The Lancet Oncology” appeared.

The air pollution caused by particulate matter in major cities is primarily man-made and is the result of combustion processes in motor vehicles and power and district heating plants, stoves and heaters in residential buildings, in the metal and steel production. The sulfuric and nitrogen oxides formed together with ammonia give the so-called „particulate matter“. In nature, however, it also comes to a natural formation, for example, as a result of soil erosion. In the metropolitan areas, road traffic is one of the main sources of particulate matter. The small size of the fine dust particles means that they are more easily absorbed via the respiratory tract and thus enter the bloodstream. Among the health effects caused by particulate matter include cancer, asthma, allergies and cardiovascular disease.

Data from cancer and mortality registers were used
For the study, special measuring stations were set up in the study centers spread all over Europe, so that the researchers could determine the average concentration of particulate matter as accurately as possible. The two scientists from the Ulm Institute evaluated the data from Vorarlberg, the westernmost province of Austria: „Based on the measured data, we calculated a so-called land use model and were able to quantify the average air pollution over several years for the addresses in the investigated area“, explains Gudrun Weinmayr. For the results to be as meaningful as possible, the data were compared with the local cancer and mortality registry. Also possible confounding factors such as smoking, nutrition and social status have been taken into account in the statistical evaluation. The study came to a clear conclusion. Even fine dust concentrations, which are well below the European limit, increase the likelihood of getting lung cancer.

In 2095 people were diagnosed with lung cancer in the 13 years of the study. Particularly often, the so-called Adenkarzinom in the subjects, which occurs more frequently in non-smokers. For example, a 10-microgram concentration of PM10 particles leads to a 22 percent increase in lung cancer risk, according to the study.

A reduction of fine dust values ​​is worthwhile
During the study, 29,000 of the subjects died. According to the study, the probability of mortality increased by seven percent with an increase in particulate matter pollution by five micrograms per cubic meter. „However, we can not set a threshold for health hazards due to particulate matter. Generally, even below 40 micrograms per cubic meter: „The less the better“, say Gudrun Weinmayr and Gabriele Nagel. The results of the study show that lowering particulate matter concentrations, regardless of their value, is always worthwhile in view of the health of people living in large cities. (Fr)

Picture: gnubier