High risk of heart attack through fine dust

High risk of heart attack through fine dust / Health News

Risk of heart attack due to particulate matter is already rising below the limit


According to a recent study, the risk of heart attack by the population due to particulate matter pollution is already increasing below the limit set by the EU. The researchers reported in „British Medical Journal“. For the study, the data of more than 100,000 people from Germany, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Italy were evaluated over a period of eleven and a half years. The researchers found that 5,157 study participants with a heart attack or an unstable angina pectoris, which is characterized by severe sudden pain in the chest, had to be cared for medically.

Risk of heart attack increases due to particulate matter pollution
Unstable angina pectoris is the simplest form of acute coronary syndrome. It goes hand in hand with a big heart attack risk. To establish a link, the scientists compared the local particulate matter concentrations with the onset of cardiac problems. The particulate matter consisting of the smallest particles settles in the lungs. It penetrates into the alveoli and can cause serious damage to health.

Fine dust is produced both by natural means, such as the erosion of rocks, forest fires or volcanic eruptions, as well as the emissions of cars and factories. Scientifically, two types of fine dust particles are distinguished, which are classified according to their diameter.

Health risk of particulate matter scientifically detectable
The researchers were able to determine that with an annual increase in type PM 2.5 particulate matter of only five micrograms per cubic meter of air, the risk of angina pectoris or myocardial infarction increases by up to 12 percent. PM 10 particulate matter showed a 13 percent higher risk of heart problems with an increase of ten micrograms per cubic meter of air.

Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) comes to the conclusion that the severe health effects associated with the increase in particulate matter emissions in metropolitan areas and this leads to a decreased life expectancy. In order to obtain as reliable data as possible, the researchers also included other risk factors of the study participants, such as whether they suffered from other illnesses or smoked, in the study.

"Our results show that particulate matter pollution represents a significant health risk - and a larger than previously thought," says Annette Peters of the Institute of Epidemiology II at Helmholtz Zentrum München, which was involved in the study, told the news agency „AFP“. "Particularly damaging are the damage to health already below the prescribed limits and the study therefore supports the demands to lower these limits."

Other study confirms results on the health burden of particulate matter
The current results of the study coincide with the findings, the researchers already a few weeks ago in the journal „Lancet“ had published. They found the same health effects of PM emissions below EU directives.

The measured data determined by the individual federal states show that in many city centers the particulate matter limit values ​​are exceeded. According to the Federal Environment Agency, daily average values ​​of 50 micrograms per cubic meter are not uncommon. However, the EU's limit values ​​are 25 micrograms per cubic meter, and the WHO even recommends limit values ​​of no more than 10 micrograms per cubic meter. The EU-wide legislation allows a maximum of 35 such exceedances per year. Everyone can contribute to reducing the burden by, for example, forming carpools or increasing the use of public transport. Short distances can be covered quickly by bike or on foot. This is not only good for the environment, but also prevents various cardiovascular diseases. (Fr)