High fever in the toddler This is how to measure and treat properly

High fever in the toddler This is how to measure and treat properly / Health News

Cold time: Children do not necessarily need medication for a fever

Small children usually get fever much more often than adults. In most cases, however, the high body temperature is no cause for great concern. The causes are often relatively harmless. However, one should know how to best measure the temperature, how to treat fever and when to consult a doctor.

Children often get a fever

It's not uncommon for people to catch a cold when it's colder outside. Especially in children, the susceptibility to infections is usually large. The little ones then often get a fever. Parents are worried when the kids whine with their hot, reddened face and tired eyes. But when should you bring the offspring to the doctor? And where is the body temperature measured best? Experts have answers.

It is not uncommon for children to get a fever. Often the elevated temperature can be treated with simple home remedies. But when does the offspring have to go to the doctor? And how is the temperature best measured? Experts have answers. (Image: WavebreakmediaMicro / fotolia.com)

Defense reaction of the body

Although children are usually more likely to experience fever than adults, in most cases high body temperature is no cause for great concern.

Christoph Gulde, Vice President of the State Apotheker Association (LAV) Baden-Württemberg explains in a press release that fever is always a sign and symptom of the fact that the body deals with pathogens.

"Fever is not a disease, but a defense reaction of the body. Children are more likely to be feverish because their organism has not yet dealt with so many pathogens, "says the expert.

"About half of fever diseases are caused by viruses and not bacteria. Children can respond to gastrointestinal infections as well as to bronchitis. "

From when to the doctor?

If a child has a fever, parents often ask themselves when it needs to be taken to the doctor.

If the offspring is less than three months old, according to experts, parents should always seek medical advice from a body temperature of 38 degrees or more.

It can also be dangerous if children have long-lasting febrile convulsions.

As the Institute for Efficiency and Quality in Healthcare explains on its Patient Information Portal, a febrile seizure that lasts more than 15 minutes and is one-sided is a case for the ambulance.

Normally, the child then gets anticonvulsant medication, and the febrile seizure usually resolves quickly.

"A simple febrile convulsion usually lasts a few minutes and occurs mainly in children between the ages of three months and five years," it says on the portal gesundheitsinformation.de.

In a febrile convulsion, the child loses consciousness, the muscles become cramped, arms and legs twitch. "Children often twist their eyes, have dilated pupils or a fixed gaze. The lips or the whole face may turn blue, "write the experts.

"Febrile convulsions can be frightening, even though they are usually harmless." Meanwhile, parents should be careful not to offend the offspring by, for example, bumping into them. The child should not get anything to eat or drink either.

Such cramps can occur when the fever rises quickly or is very high.

Temperature is best measured in the butt

It should be noted that one should measure the temperature in babies in the buttocks, since deviations are more likely at other parts of the body.

The fact that fever measurement in the rectum - at any age - works best, was also shown in a study by Canadian scientists.

Recommended are disposable attachments made of plastic; These ensure that the meter does not have to be disinfected each time.

Newer clinical thermometers also come to reliable values ​​via measurements in the inner ear.

Basically, children are only spoken rectally from a body temperature of over 38 degrees Celsius measured by fever - in the ear or mouth from 38.5 degrees Celsius.

Natural aids

If the offspring has a fever, it is important that the child drinks enough liquid in the form of cool drinks.

If the temperature does not rise too high, home remedies for fever can often help with older children.

Even a chicken or vegetable broth can make the complaints bearable.

Cooling calf rolls are also a proven home remedy to make fever peaks bearable.

However, these should not be used if the fever is accompanied by chills. Then the offspring should be supplied with hot water bottles or blankets.

Drug treatment is not always necessary

Gulde points out that in pharmacies there are also child-friendly medicines "that help well as juice or ate", but it should generally be weighed whether and when to lower the fever by medication.

If a child is prone to febrile seizures, it is indicated, as well as if it is very exhausted by high, over-days fever or can not or does not want to take enough liquid.

In such cases, a doctor's visit is strongly recommended. (Ad)