High THC content and noise hazard warning of crop hemp powder

High THC content and noise hazard warning of crop hemp powder / Health News
Danger for infants: Risk of intoxication by hemp protein powder
The amount of THC contained in hemp protein powder from the manufacturer "Veganz" from Berlin could be intoxicating in toddlers. The company warns therefore against the consumption of the product, which is sold over the drugstore chain "dm".

Excessive THC could intoxicate small children
Only a few days ago, the Berlin-based company "Veganz" had announced that the cooperation with the drugstore chain "dm" would be significantly expanded. A press release stated that "from the beginning of May, Veganz vegan products will be available throughout Germany in all more than 1,700 dm stores". For one of the products, this could possibly only apply to a limited extent. On the portal "Lebensmittelwarnung.de" of the federal states and the Federal Office for consumer protection, is currently reported on a possible "danger to human health" by "Veganz hemp protein powder raw food quality". According to the information, the product has an excessive THC value. Infants could be intoxicated by it.

In a vegan hemp protein powder so much THC is included that it might be intoxicating in young children. The product was sold through the dm drugstore chain. (Image: Jiri Hera / fotolia.com)

Hemp as an important source of energy
Hemp was used as food thousands of years ago. According to health experts, hemp seeds are among the most nutritionally nutritious oil fruits. They are recommended for fatigue and fatigue. Food hemp also contains essential amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron as well as many vitamins. In addition to the classic hemp seeds, the Berlin-based manufacturer Veganz GmbH also offers hemp protein powder, hemp oil, hemp milk and hemp flour. However, a product is now being warned.

Customers can return purchased goods
The company has issued a warning for its product "Veganz hemp protein powder raw food quality" (packaging unit 200 grams, shelf life 2/2017). The powder is sold through the drugstore chain "dm". For products with batch number / lot identification: Lot no. 6012, Barcode 4260402 481128, the recommended amount on the package is not suitable for children. According to the information, about 20 micrograms of D9-THC are taken up with a powder quantity of 25 grams. It can not be ruled out that the powder will also be used for the nutrition of infants. In the case of two- to three-year-old children with a body weight of 15 kilograms, this could lead to the maximum amount of THC recommended being significantly exceeded. "An increased intake is to be regarded as undesirable for general precautionary reasons," it says from the company. Customers who have purchased the product can return it with refund of the purchase price. (Ad)