High blood sugar level reduces memory

High blood sugar level reduces memory / Health News

Sugar levels can affect memory in old age


According to Berlin researchers, low blood sugar levels in old age can lead to better memory performance. On the other hand, mediterranean diet and exercise can help to alleviate the memory problems.

People with high sugar levels forgetful
According to Berlin researchers, a low blood sugar level in old age can lead to better memory performance. As the study by scientists of the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin shows, people with high blood sugar levels are more forgiving than those whose sugar content in the blood is lower. For the study, the team led by Prof. Agnes Flöel from the Department of Cognitive Neurology examined the memory performance of 141 healthy adults with a mean age of 63 years. The results were published in the journal „Neurology“ presents.

Better memory
Not only did the subjects complete memory tests, their blood sugar levels were also determined in blood tests. In addition, the size and structure of the brain region hippocampus, which is responsible for memory performance, was determined with the help of magnetic resonance tomography. Reminder tests showed, among other things, that participants with lower blood sugar levels could memorize more words.

Sports and Mediterranean cuisine
In old age, it may be a promising strategy to maintain memory with low blood sugar levels, concludes Prof. Flöel from her study. In otherwise healthy people, this can be achieved, among other things, by avoiding obesity, lots of exercise and healthy Mediterranean cuisine with plenty of vegetables, fruits and fish. (Ad)