High dissatisfaction in patients

High dissatisfaction in patients / Health News

Every fifth patient in North Rhine-Westphalia is dissatisfied with his doctor


According to a survey study, one in five North Rhine-Westphalian patients is dissatisfied with their medical treatment. Many complain about the doctors' lack of understanding of the patient's concerns and needs.

One in five is dissatisfied with the treatment by a general practitioner in North Rhine-Westphalia. This was the result of a representative survey by the research and opinion institute Forsa on behalf of Deutsche Angestellten Krankenkasse (DAK). In the survey, a total of 1000 men and women of all ages were interviewed. In addition to long waiting times for appointments, many complained of a high degree of incomprehension among doctors. Especially young people were angry about the treatment by the doctor.

Especially young people dissatisfied
The young age group (18-29 years of age) was especially annoyed at the waiting times for medical appointments. One in two respondents said the doctor had little time during the consultation and, on top of that, showed little understanding of the patient's concerns. Often, the doctor would have taught too little about treatment options or therapies. The waiting times were often several days to weeks.

The older respondents showed greater satisfaction. In the over-60s age group, around 80 percent said they felt well treated and cared for. In addition, older patients showed a greater tolerance for appointment scheduling. Only one in three said that the physician had too little time and attention.

Minister of Health exhorts doctors
The NRW Health Minister Barbara Steffens (Alliance 90 / The Greens) warned the physicians to take more time for the treatment in view of the study results. After all, not only good physicians are needed for good therapy, „but also time and attention during the treatment“, reminded the minister. For recovery, patients need not only diagnostics and therapy but also detailed explanations and discussions. These are often missed in everyday life. (Sb)

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