High rate of aces cancer chance?

High rate of aces cancer chance? / Health News

High rate of acne cancer a statistical accident? SPD, Greens and environmentalists criticize the attitude of the Federal Government.


Is the measured increased rate of cancer in the region around the dilapidated nuclear waste repository "Asse II" just a "statistical coincidence"? At any rate, this is stated by a first opinion of the Federal Government. One sees "no recognizable connection". For environmentalists this is a statement in the sense of extending the life of the nuclear facilities in Germany. „It must not be what should not be. "The opposition party SPD, Left and Green expressed clear criticism.

In a first statement, the federal government stresses that the accumulation of leukemia and thyroid cancer diseases in the environment of ailing nuclear waste „Aces II“ based on a statistical coincidence. "According to the present results of the environmental monitoring surveys, the observed increase in the integrated municipality of Asse can not be explained by the radiation exposure from the aces," it says in a response to the Bundestag question by Green Party Vice Chairman Bärbel Höhn. Höhn had asked the black-yellow coalition whether there is a connection between the accumulated cancers and the atomic camp Asse. Prompt hailed it clear criticism. The SPD faction leader Hubertus Heil warned the government to downplay the increased cancer rate. „That must be examined cleanly“, Heil said to the radio station „FFN“. Deputy Green Group Chairman Stefan Wenzel described the first statement as „courageous“. Despite the statements of the Ministry of Environment, a possible connection is not refuted. Environment Secretary Ursula Heinen-Esser (CDU) pointed out that the radiation dose is "about 10,000 times higher" than currently observed. Only then could the observed increase in disease be explained by radiation.

The Greens, on the other hand, called for an independent investigation to be called. Wenzel said: "It is essential that the investigations be conducted on the ground, and that the local politicians and experts from the citizens' initiatives must also be involved." Furthermore, Wenzel called on the Federal Environment Minister Röttgen to prove that only experts independent of the nuclear industry are involved in the investigations of the Federal Commission on Radiological Protection. "After the disaster so far, it must be ruled out that persons with corresponding financial or institutional dependencies are involved." Wenzel also calls for an examination of the personnel files of the former employees of the Asse and the participating contractors to be complete. It must be determined by random sampling whether "critical" medical records were removed or withheld by the old operator. It was noticeable that the personnel files were provided after the operator change only with great delay.

"It must not be, what should not be" attest nuclear power opponents and environmentalists in a recent opinion. "In a legislative period in which terms are extended, more and more nuclear waste is created, nuclear power must not suddenly make sick." The KIKK has demonstrated the relationship between proximity to a nuclear plant and the risk of cancer! There are fewer births around NPPs.“ For environmentalists, therefore, it is clear that the increased rate of cancer is no coincidence.

126,000 barrels of low and medium radioactive nuclear waste are stored in the mine. A statistical survey had revealed that the disease rate in the region around the Asse II camp is many times higher than the national average. Green, environmentalists and local residents have been calling for a shutdown of the ailing plant for years. (Sb)

Read on:
Coincidence of the aces cancer rate has not been proven
Ministry of the Environment: aces cancer rate pure coincidence
Leukemia risk due to ailing aces plant?
Aces: Increased number of leukemia disorders