Hope malaria vaccine nearing approval?

Hope malaria vaccine nearing approval? / Health News
First malaria vaccine to come soon

About 3.3 billion people live in malaria risk areas worldwide. Nearly 600,000 deaths are causing the dangerous infectious disease each year, especially in Africa. But new hope germinates: For the first time researchers have tested an effective vaccine against malaria on humans.

Possible medical revolution
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 3.3 billion people worldwide live in malaria risk areas. Every year, nearly 600,000 people still die from the infectious disease transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito. Around 90 percent of fatalities, according to WHO, are in sub-Saharan Africa. This also has to do with the fact that "prophylaxis and medical treatment in wealthier Asia and Latin America are significantly better". Now a possible revolution in medicine is reported: It seems that for the first time in history, doctors will have a vaccine against malaria available, which will soon be used in Africa.

First malaria vaccine showed efficacy
In the fight against the deadly tropical disease, important progress is emerging: as the news agency dpa reports, "researchers have for the first time tested an effective vaccine against malaria in humans". Around 15,500 infants and toddlers in seven African countries received the remedy in a four-year field study. This was announced by tropical physician Peter Kremsner shortly before World Malaria Day on April 25 on Friday in Tübingen. Depending on the age of the children, the vaccine protection was therefore between 26 and 36 percent, reports the international research team in the journal "The Lancet". "RTS, S" is thus the so far "first malaria vaccine, which showed efficacy in a field study".

Results "rather disappointing"
Other scientists, on the other hand, consider the drug to be no real breakthrough due to the low protection rate of around 30 percent. Although it had been shown for the first time that a malaria vaccine could lead to a "limited but verifiable protection", as the tropical medicine scientist Thomas Löscher of the Munich University Hospital confirmed, but overall the results are "rather disappointing and far below the otherwise vaccination expected protection rates ". However, research could build on the study.

Because of Ebola, malaria is something forgotten
People in Africa develop a natural immunity with age, so that older children and adults rarely fall ill. Due to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the malaria plague has unfortunately been forgotten. It has recently been reported that experts believe there have been many more malaria deaths due to Ebola. Kremsner said that as far as the frequency and the number of deaths are concerned, "Malaria is a giant and Ebola a dwarf ant". The Tübingen researcher was involved in the scientific coordination of the study.

Approval may be later this year
It was "RTS, S" a vaccine for African children, not for Africa travelers such as from Europe. Some of the infants and toddlers examined were vaccinated several times with the substance, according to the researchers. According to the information, they fell noticeably less frequently on malaria than non-vaccinated children of a comparison group. "This is the result of 100 years of research into a malaria vaccine," says Kremsner. He continued, "The vaccines are very well tolerated." There were hardly any side effects. Some of the vaccinated children are suffering from meningitis. Although the scientists in Tübingen have no explanation for this, they doubt a connection with the tested vaccine. As a "very important step" described the Tübingen tropical medicine Benjamin Mordmüller the results. Now the vaccine will be approved by the European Medicines Agency and the WHO. It is hoped that "RTS, S" will still be "approved this year and included in the national vaccination programs of African countries". The Tübingen researchers then rely on public donors, so that the funds reached the population. (Ad)

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