Highly contagious flu Two dead in nursing home

Highly contagious flu Two dead in nursing home / Health News

Highly contagious flu: Two dead in nursing home


In a senior home in Upper Bavaria, a highly contagious flu has broken out. Two residents of the home died of it. The virus has been rampant since the end of last year. Ten patients are still in hospital.

Virus has been rampant since the end of December
According to a report by the news agency dpa, a highly contagious flu has broken out in a senior home in Neuburg on the Danube in Upper Bavaria. So far, two residents of the home, an 84-year-old woman and a 95-year-old man died of it. It is the influenza A virus subtype H3, as the Health Department announced on Monday. According to the information, it has been rampant since the end of December in the home, where 90 people live. It is said that 54 people, including two nurses, had contracted it. 34 of them are now well again. Ten patients are still in inpatient care.

Further infections should be avoided
According to the health department, cough, fever, headache and body aches are typical symptoms of the flu. At present, no new residents would be included to avoid further contagion. In addition, a café for visitors and residents will be closed so that no contact can be made. In the meantime, all senior citizens' homes in the district have been contacted by the responsible health department at the administrative district office Neuburg-Schrobenhausen. No further cases of highly contagious influenza have been reported.

Seniors will be vaccinated
Healthy people, a flu is rarely dangerous. However, in people with a weak immune system, such as the elderly, there is a greater risk that complications may occur. You, as well as chronically ill patients with underlying conditions such as diabetes, asthma or cardiovascular diseases, medical staff and pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy onwards, will be vaccinated by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO). However, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) confirmed a few days ago that the effect of the flu vaccine this year is weaker than expected. (Ad)

Picture: PhotoHiero