Washing hands protects against illnesses

Washing hands protects against illnesses / Health News

Repeated hand washing during the day protects against infections


Today is the International Hand Hygiene Day. In the course of this, the Federal Center for Health Education points out that washing hands several times a day can protect against dangerous infectious diseases. In order to do a proper hand washing, it is important to clean the palms and interdigital spaces with commercial soap. The washing process should be done thoroughly.

Numerous diseases are transmitted by a droplet or smear infection. The danger of infection increases, if the hygiene of the hands is strongly neglected. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands not just once, but several times a day if possible.

Viruses and bacteria usually attach themselves to door handles, banisters or other objects that are touched by many people. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands for at least half a minute when you come home from outside or handle food. Additional disinfectants are not necessary. In order to avoid transmission of infections in addition, the Federal Center for Health Education advises, when sneezing or coughing not to sneeze into the room, but in for example in the crook or in a disposable handkerchief.

When should the hands be washed??
Constant washing of the hands and the avoidance of social contacts is more than exaggerated. As a rule of thumb, you should wash your hands when you return home, prepare a meal or use the toilet. If a family member suffers from a flu or cold, the hands should also be thoroughly washed after contact. With a washing process, most germs can be eliminated. (Sb)

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