HIV-infected 18-year-old woman has been without therapy for years - and without symptoms

HIV-infected 18-year-old woman has been without therapy for years - and without symptoms / Health News
18-year-old is symptom-free 12 years after the end of her HIV treatment
An 18-year-old who was born HIV does not show any signs of illness twelve years after the end of the medical treatment. The young French woman is not considered as cured, but she goes well without medication.

Girl was born with HIV infection
Although the UN has recently announced a turnaround that has led to 40 percent fewer deaths from HIV globally, despite all research, the AIDS epidemic is not yet in the pipeline. For decades research has been done into how to treat the immunodeficiency syndrome from a medical point of view. Only a few months ago, scientists from the USA and Germany had reported that they had succeeded in a study to reduce the viral load in infected by an antibody therapy. The case of a young French woman could bring new valuable insights for the fight against AIDS: The 18-year-old, who was born with HIV, has been without symptoms for years.

Image: jarun011 - fotolia

Twelve years after the end of the treatment without symptoms
The news agency AFP reports that the young, HIV-infected French woman shows no signs of illness 12 years after the cessation of medical treatment. According to a study by the Paris Pasteur Institute on Monday in Vancouver, Canada, the 18-year-old was not considered cured, but she was well without medication. According to the information, this is the first known case worldwide of an HIV-infected child, in which a so-called long-term remission, ie the absence of disease symptoms, has been found.

Girl had become infected in the womb or at birth
According to the study, the child's family decided to discontinue treatment at the age of six. It was reported that one year later, when it was to be re-treated, a "non-detectable viral load" had been detected. As a result, the doctors decided not to continue the child's treatment and observe it instead. The case may show, according to scientists, that immediate treatment after HIV infection is essential. It is said that the girl had become infected either in the womb or at birth.

Do not discontinue treatment of patients
According to the study, the case raises hopes for the prospects of early treatment. However, the researchers also cautioned when interpreting the results. Accordingly, physicians should not advise their patients for the time being to stop their treatment. Even years ago, the case of a supposedly healthy HIV-infected child in the United States had caused a great stir. The child of an HIV-infected mother had become known as the Mississippi girl. It was after several months without medication treatment as cured, until it was again attacked by the virus. At the time, experts said that there was a big disappointment for the child, the family, the doctors and all AIDS research. (Ad)