HIV healed child again attacked by the virus

HIV healed child again attacked by the virus / Health News

HIV has returned to the allegedly cured child


The supposedly cured of HIV „Mississippi girl“ After two years without antiretroviral therapy again carries viruses in the blood. „This is a disappointing turn of events for the child, medical staff and HIV / AIDS research worldwide“, stressed the director of the „National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases“ (NIAID), Anthony Fauci.

The case of the now four-year-old girl had caused a sensation in the professional world, since the anti-retroviral therapy started immediately after birth, the HIV infection could be contained so far that in blood samples no HI virus or HIV-specific antibodies more were detectable. Even after stopping the antiretroviral drugs, the child remained HIV free for two years. But now the viruses in the girl's body have multiplied again.

Resumed antiretroviral treatment of the child
During a routine check-up at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, the NIAID reported a detectable HIV level in the girl's blood. Another viral load blood test 72 hours later confirmed this finding. Also, in the following investigations corresponding HIV antibodies could be detected in the blood of the patient. „Based on these results, the child was promptly put on antiretroviral therapy again“, reports the NIAID. The case shows that the child's early antiretroviral treatment was unable to completely eradicate the reservoir of HIV-infected cells but has significantly limited the development of the disease, said the NIAID Director.

Two years without detectable viruses in the blood
The renewed multiplication of the HI viruses in the organism of the child makes it clear that „We still need to learn a lot about the subtleties of HIV infection“, explained Fauci. So it should be more accurate to determine where the virus hides in the body. In addition, the researchers want to find out for themselves, „whether the time of sustained remission in the absence of therapy can be extended even further.“ Deborah Persaud, an infectious disease professor at the John Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore, said in the NIAID press release: „The fact that this child spared two years without antiretroviral treatment and practically rested the virus is unprecedented.“ Normally, after the treatment has been stopped within weeks, a new spread of the virus can be detected - and not within years. (Fp)

Picture: Jens Weber