HIV The number of new diagnoses is rising the most in Berlin

HIV The number of new diagnoses is rising the most in Berlin / Health News
Increase in new HIV diagnoses in Germany is due among other things to improved data quality and increasing numbers of refugees
The number of new HIV diagnoses has risen in Germany. This is announced by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). As reasons call experts an improved data quality, increased research with the announcing physicians as well as the rising refugee numbers.

Increasing numbers of refugees are one of the causes of the increase in HIV new diagnoses
In Germany, the number of new HIV diagnoses has increased. In 2014, according to the RKI, 3,525 new cases were reported nationwide. This represents an increase of seven percent compared to the previous year. One of the reasons is the increasing number of refugees. "A large proportion of them come from countries where HIV is particularly common," explains the German AIDS Aid to the news agency "dpa". The HIV transmission was done in most cases in the country of origin. "This is reflected in increasing numbers of refugees in the HIV diagnostic numbers." This also explains the comparatively strong increase in the group of heterosexuals by about 30 percent compared to the previous year, the organization said.

More HIV infections in Berlin. Picture: angellodeco - fotolia

"The number of new HIV diagnoses reported to the RKI differs from the number of new HIV infections. The HIV infection, which often goes unnoticed, and the test that detects an infection can be far apart in time, "the RKI said. Consequently, the number of new diagnoses does not allow any conclusions about the infection in Germany. The number only indicates how many people tested positive for HIV.

Most new HIV diagnoses were made in Berlin
According to the RKI, the relative proportion of new HIV diagnoses among African sub-Saharan Africans rose from 10 to 15 percent. The relative proportion of people of German descent dropped from 68 to 64 percent. A comparison of the federal states shows that most new diagnoses were made in Berlin last year. There were registered 12.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The lowest value was 1.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Thuringia. The nationwide average was 4.4.

In addition to the increase in refugee numbers, among other things, the improved data quality and increased research by the reporting physicians for the increase in HIV new diagnoses are responsible, as the RKI announced. (Ag)