HIV increase in young people by 50 percent

HIV increase in young people by 50 percent / Health News

More and more adolescents are newly infected with HIV


On the occasion of the World AIDS Day on 1 December, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns against the further increase in immune disease among young people. The number of HIV deaths among adolescents has risen steadily since the beginning of the millennium. Since 2001, the number has almost tripled. At that time there were still 38,000 adolescents who died from HIV at the age of 10 to 19 years. According to the WHO, there were now 107,000 in 2012.

In the period from 2005 to 2012, the total number of deaths associated with HIV has declined by about 30 percent. Because the chances of getting old with this disease are never as promising as they are today. The total number of infected adolescents has also increased. In 2001, the WHO registered1.5 million adolescents carrying the virus. By the end of 2012, it had already reached 2.1 million.

In view of these figures, the UN organization calls for an increase in aid for young people and more prevention campaigns. Among other things, a website is to be set up by January, which should specifically address young people. The focus needs to be more on young people, as young people are less likely to be tested for HIV than adults, said WHO director for the fight against HIV and AIDS, Gottfried Hirnschall. They need more support to cope with the disease. "Teenagers need medical services and support tailored to their specific needs." In many countries, adolescents can only do an HIV test with the permission of their parents. That should change now in the future. (Fr)

Picture: twinlili