Heat tips for a cool summer

Heat tips for a cool summer / Health News

High temperatures can also be a burden


Finally summer - Germany has been experiencing midsummer temperatures for days. But while it may not be warm enough for some, in these days, especially for the elderly, babies and animals caution - because the heat can be quite dangerous. But a handful of tips against the heat are enough here to enjoy the summer without risk and relaxed to the fullest.

Dizziness and headache from intense heat
As soon as it gets warmer outside, the body tries to reduce the body's own temperature through increased sweating: Sweat escapes through the sweat glands, evaporates on the skin surface and cools the skin. Another mechanism of the body: To achieve a cooling, the blood vessels of the skin widen. But this in turn lowers the blood pressure and the circulation is weakened, which can lead at very high temperatures to the fact that the brain is no longer sufficiently supplied with oxygen and symptoms such as dizziness, headache, fatigue and difficulty concentrating occur.

Seniors, children and people with cardiovascular problems particularly at risk
Accordingly, especially those with cardiovascular problems should be careful these days, such as the chronically ill, overweight and elderly, also applies to babies and toddlers special protection, because in these, the sweat function is not fully mature, which is fast can lead to overheating of the body. In order to take no risk, just these vulnerable people should pay attention to some tips - because then there is nothing in the way of summer fun.

Tip 1: Drink, drink, drink
Abundant drinking is now particularly important to keep the body fit and healthy. Generally, according to the recommendation of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) „At least 1.5 l [.] per day are drunk, in heat it may be quiet 3 l and more.“ There is no risk in healthy people to drink too much - because the unneeded amount is simply excreted again. Ideal thirst quencher - which should always be within reach - are there
Tap or mineral water, unsweetened herbal and fruit teas and fruit juice spritzers. Caffeine and alcoholic beverages, on the other hand, should rather be avoided in hot temperatures, „because they stimulate the circulation and additionally promote sweating. Also sugary soft drinks are unsuitable“, so the DGE. Instead, could „in extreme sweating [.] degreased meat or vegetable broths, vegetable juices or teas with a pinch of salt, the losses of water and minerals well with the sweat balance“, so the recommendation further.

Avoid drinking too quickly and ice cold drinks
Important is generally, „drinking too fast, icy drinks and taking in large quantities of liquid at once“ to avoid, because this could lead to stomach problems. In addition, should not be drunk first, if a feeling of thirst occurs - because then there is already a fluid deficit in the body. Therefore, it is better to drink continuously throughout the day and to pay particular attention to the fact that especially older people drink enough, because they would often take up too little fluid, since the thirst decreases in old age. „drinking muffles“ advises the DGE, their fluid balance with water-rich foods such. As melons, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Tip 2: Small and light meals
Since enough energy is required from the body due to the heat, summer food should Ulrike Freund from the Hessen section of the German Nutrition Society (SH-DGE), above all, can be easily digested. Suitable here are, for example, light summer salads with cheese, ham or boiled egg, steamed vegetables, lean meat or fish and baked potatoes with herb quark, as a dessert yogurt with fresh fruit is a good tip. But also on the grill, according to Dr. Ulrike Freund preparing great summer dishes - for example „grilled fish on peppers, marinated chicken breast in sweet and spicy tomato sauce or rump steak with baked potatoes.“

Tip 3: Sport ideally not at midday or in the afternoon
In general, there is no objection to physical activity, even in warm temperatures - but only if this does not take place in the middle of the afternoon and afternoon, because then the heat is the body's biggest burden. In addition, the risk groups mentioned - seniors, children and people with circulatory problems - should better abstain from prolonged physical exertion in very warm temperatures.

Tip 4: Pay attention to the right clothes
On hot days, the body really craves for airy clothes - so unless you are bound to no dress code, own in the office a dress, a skirt, short or long pants of thin fabric combined with wide-cut blouses or shirts particularly well. Important is according to the „MDR.de Guide“ especially, „tight-fitting things as well as synthetic materials“ instead of wearing clothes made of cotton or other natural fibers. In direct sunlight, a headgear should also be worn - which is especially true for children. In addition, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) recommends people with weak veins to wear support stockings, especially on hot days - because these prevent the blood from sinking due to the dilation of the vessels in the legs and thus cause additional circulatory problems.

Tip 5: Use sufficient sun protection factor
Which sun protection factor is the right one, depends mainly on the skin type - experts recommend a light protection of at least 15. The agent should be applied at least 30 minutes before going to the sun and regularly renewed. Basically, it is better to avoid the midday sun between 11am and 3pm and avoid exposing children to direct sunlight.

Tip 6: Think of the four-legged friend as well
But the heat is not quite exhausting for us humans - even for dogs, for example, the weather can be stressful. However, conventional ice cream is not suitable for refreshing the dog, instead dog owners should rather offer their animal frozen meat or vegetable broth cubes that can be easily prepared in the ice cube container. However, according to Tina Hölscher, veterinarian at Aktion Tier, care should be taken to ensure that they are not too concentrated, otherwise the mineral balance could quickly get mixed up. Accordingly, the liquid should be dosed as the holder would drink it himself. Otherwise, the expert applies to dogs: „Lots of fresh tap water, which is best changed three times a day.“ Because then bacteria would have no chance.

Again and again provide for cooling - but avoid cold showers
If you suffer from heat problems despite the heat tips, you should always cool down by washing your hands, neck and face with cold water. Even a lukewarm shower provides relief here, as the body temperature drops through them again. But be careful with any form of sudden cooling, such as by a cold shower: For these may burden the cycle due to the extreme temperature change under circumstances even stronger and should therefore be better avoided. (No)

Picture: Rosel Eckstein