Heat melons are good thirst quenchers

Heat melons are good thirst quenchers / Health News

In order to balance the fluid balance in the body, melons are suitable as good thirst quencher.

(18.07.2010) All Germany sweats and every refreshment is welcome. A special tip in the summer heat are melons. They are very good as a thirst quencher and reduce the risk of dehydration.

Refreshing are melons, especially now in the summer temperatures and with great thirst. But what many do not know, the melon is not fruit, but actually a pumpkin and vegetables. There are a total of 150 watermelon species and even 500 types of sugar melon. Watermelons have a green shell and contain yellow, red or dark red flesh. Most watermelons contain black kernels, some more and others less. The pulp of the melon has a very high proportion of water. About 95 percent of the fruit is water.

This makes the watermelon very good as a snack and at the same time as a thirst quencher. The fruit contains valuable minerals, as well as vitamins A and C, and the antioxidant-containing red dye. Antioxidants have a reputation, „radical scavengers“ to be. They thus protect against damage to the cell membranes protect against diseases such as atherosclerosis or cancer. In addition, the consumption of watermelons reduces the risk of dehydration in the hot days. If the body is not supplied with sufficient fluid, cardiovascular problems, headaches and dizziness can occur. That is why it is important to drink plenty of water, in addition to eating melons, to prevent internal dehydration. (Sb)

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