Histamine intolerance Red wine remains poorly tolerated by many people

Histamine intolerance Red wine remains poorly tolerated by many people / Health News
Extensive redness: red wine can be incompatible
Actually, red wine is healthy, but not every person tolerates it. Even after consuming small amounts, an itchy rash, shortness of breath and headache can occur. The cause of the complaints may be the histamine contained in the wine.

Not all people can tolerate red wine
According to experts, red wine - enjoyed in moderation - can be healthy. Studies have shown that resveratrol in red wine has positive effects in diseases such as arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis or heart disease. However, other substances contained in it can make certain that some people do not tolerate the tasty vine juice well. Affected persons may experience unpleasant reactions even after consuming small amounts of wine. The substance may be due to histamine.

Not every person tolerates red wine. In some, it comes even after small amounts to redness and difficulty breathing. The fault can be the histamine. (Image: suwanphoto / fotolia.com)

Histamine can not be broken down properly
"Extensive redness on the skin is a typical sign," said Sonja Lämmel from the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) in a statement from the news agency dpa. Other symptoms of histamine intolerance include itching, headache, difficulty breathing, palpitations, nausea and gastrointestinal discomfort. "Histamine intolerance is not an allergy, but a breakdown disorder," says Lämmel. "However, it often works like an allergy and is sometimes treated like this." Concerned people lack the enzyme that breaks down the histamine in the body. According to experts, the diagnosis or differentiation of other food allergy and intolerance in practice is often difficult, as the symptoms are often very different.

It can arrive on the vintage
However, not every red wine contains the same amount of histamine. The content may not only vary from species to variety. "The range of variation in histamine content in food depends on the freshness, maturity and variety of the food," writes the DAAB on its website. And further: "It may therefore be that, for example, a wine from the same slope of one year is well tolerated, while the next vintage is incompatible." Although foods such as hard cheese or smoked fish sometimes contain a lot of histamine, but with wine reactions follow more quickly. According to Lämmel, this has something to do with the fact that the wine is liquid and contains alcohol: "The alcohol increases the blood circulation, the substance is absorbed faster."

Different for each person
The expert stressed that it depends on the substances contained in the wine. One can not be allergic to red wine per se. For example, wines may have been clarified with egg white or fish bubble proteins. "Their residues can also trigger reactions," explained Lämmel. If a wine contains milk or egg products, this must be indicated on the label. From a certain amount, this also applies to sulfites, which can cause coughing fits and shortness of breath in allergy sufferers. If you have a buzz after red wine, tannins are often responsible. "Some people then get a headache." However, according to Lämmel, this varies from person to person.

Try another wine
But what helps against the complaints? Actually, according to Lämmel, there is only one thing to do: just try another wine, because it depends on the grape and the process of production. People who are sensitive to histamine can take alternative to white wine. According to the German Wine Academy, these contain considerably less histamine than red wines. Regarding nutrition, according to DAAB: "Do not rely on strict dietary recommendations in the lay press, but on your" gut feeling "and the nutritional recommendations that are assured." (Ad)