Brain tumor by mobile phone beams for the first time in court recognized as a trigger
Can cell phones cause cancer? Although there are indeed scientific studies that suggest that the radiation in mobile phones, the risk of developing a brain tumor is increased, but by no means all experts are sure that there is such a relationship. Italian judges have now recognized a tumor as an occupational disease of a frequent caller.
Mobile phone radiation as a risk factor for brain tumors
A study by the private "Jacobs University Bremen" came years ago to the conclusion that cell phone radiation can promote cancer growth - at least in mice. There was also evidence in other scientific studies that mobile phone radiation is a risk factor for brain tumors. Many scientists, however, doubt that there is such a connection. Nevertheless, a court in Italy has now recognized a tumor as the occupational disease of a frequent caller.
Correlation between cell phone use and cancer confirmed
In Italy, judges have confirmed the link between cell phone use and cancer. According to a news agency dpa, Roberto Romeo, who used to work as a manager for a large telecommunications company, was right when he took his employer to court.
In his job, he had phoned his ear for several hours a day for 15 years. A few years ago a tumor was diagnosed. Since an operation in which the auditory nerve of the right ear had to be removed, the Italian is deaf in one ear.
The judges in Ivrea now confirmed a causal link between his mobile phone use and the cancer. This allows Romeo to receive a monthly disability pension. The judgment is not yet final.
The Italian media reported a lot about the dangers of electromagnetic waves in the context of the trial. Headlines such as "The cell phone provokes cancer" surfaced.
Controversial among professionals
However, among professionals it is disputed whether cell phone radiation can harm your health. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned in the past about high-frequency electromagnetic radiation used in mobile communications.
However, the Dutch Health Council reported on a study that sees no such mobile phone risk.
According to the Dutch scientists, it is "highly unlikely" according to the evaluation of all studies that the high-frequency electromagnetic fields of mobile radio can trigger or promote the development of cancer.
According to a study by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), there are no indications of harmful effects of mobile radio within the applicable limits.
According to a spokeswoman for the BfS, a spokeswoman for the BfS said: "Current studies do not indicate any association between mobile phone radiation on the one hand and tumors on the other."
Careful handling of mobile phones is recommended
The Austrian "Scientific Advisory Council on Radio" (WBF), which has evaluated numerous scientific papers on the subject in the past, writes: "From an epidemiological point of view, there is currently no reliable and definitive statement on mobile technology with regard to risk or non-risk for cancer be made. "
And further: "Due to the uncertainty of the present results of studies on the relationship between mobile phone use and the development of cancer, a careful handling of mobile telephony is still recommended until a correspondingly large number of high-quality studies are available and a final assessment of a possible risk is possible."
"Each individual can reduce his radiation exposure by relatively simple behavioral measures," said the spokeswoman for the BfS has in the dpa message.
Possible measures: Landline instead of mobile phone, texting instead of telephoning - or use a headset to increase the distance between the device and the head and body. "To reduce the absorption of radiation helps every inch."
Judgment also conceivable in Germany
Although no consistent conclusion on long-term effects can yet be made, judges in Italy have nevertheless reached their own conclusions. The news agency dpa raises the question of whether such a judgment would be possible in Germany.
The chairman of the Higher Regional Court of Hamm and deputy chairman of the German Judges Association, Joachim Lüblinghoff, said: "Nothing is unthinkable." For a judgment is crucial that the damage is proven.
"For a brain tumor, we would have to have a specialist, an oncologist, a neurosurgeon or another specialist who could explain the chain of causation," said the lawyer.
If the specialist came to the opinion that in the specific case with the highest probability the mobile phone use was the decisive factor for the cancer, then the full proof would be provided.
The proof could however also be led in the exclusion procedure. However, this is problematic since it is known that cancer can also arise from pure coincidence.
Judgment should not spread fear
In the case of Romeo, the physicist and physician Paolo Crosignani was the expert who advised the judges. In the Italian newspaper "La Stampa" he warned against simple generalizations: "Often the risk, as with so many things, depends on the dose."
In the current case, two factors would have increased the risk extremely. According to the information, Romeo had mostly used an old cell phone that emitted higher radio frequencies, such as smartphones. The tumor was also a rare form.
Romeo himself said he did not want the verdict to spread fear. He rather wanted to call attention to a responsible handling of the mobile phone. (Ad)