Helpful for losing weight Sport eliminates the constant hunger

Helpful for losing weight Sport eliminates the constant hunger / Health News
New study shows: Sport drives out hunger
Sport is healthy: Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of various diseases. Intensive training sessions also help to reduce the feeling of hunger. The British scientists have now found out. Sport therefore helps to lose weight.

Exercise program can reduce hunger
Health experts emphasize time and again how important sport is for our body. For example, regular exercise can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure or heart attack. In addition, athletes suffer less frequently from overweight and obesity, according to statistics. For the reason why people who are physically active are less likely to get fat, various explanations are possible. Some simply live more consciously and eat healthier lives. But the sport itself can obviously be a cause. As British researchers have found out, a strenuous exercise program also reduces the feeling of hunger.

Intensive exercise reduces the feeling of hunger. (Image: kasto /

Sport alone does not help against overweight
In the past, research has shown that exercise alone does not help against overweight. More important is the diet. But apparently the diet - at least as far as the amount is concerned - also influenced by the sport. For example, scientists from Loughborough University in the UK and colleagues have shown in a study that intensive training not only boosts calorie burning but also reduces calorie intake. The researchers reported on their findings in the journal "Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise".

Appetizing hormone is reduced
According to a statement from the university, two groups were observed during the study. Some were put on a diet, the others completed a moderate, 90-minute treadmill training. Afterwards all participants were allowed to make an all-you-can-eat-buffet. It turned out that the volunteers from the sports group consumed an average of one third less calories (663) than those from the group (947 calories), who had eaten less throughout the day. It is said that there are two explanations for the results: In sports, for example, the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin is reduced, while the peptide hormone YY, which suppresses hunger, increases in the body. For people who are dieting, the opposite is true.

Moderate activities lack the effect
"We have shown that it does not make exercise hunger or encourage them to eat more," study author Dr. David Stensel. "Since ghrelin is produced in the cells of the gastric mucosa and the pancreas, reduced blood flow to the stomach could lead to the reduction of ghrelin in the bloodstream," he explains. Previous research has concluded that intense sports such as jogging or spinning classes reduce hunger hormones. At the same time, it was shown that moderate activities did not have the same effect. However, strenuous workout should only be completed with a good foundation. A balanced diet is always preferable to strict diets when it comes to achieving a healthy weight. (Ad)