Help to lose weight Metabolism stimulation for improved nutritional utilization

Help to lose weight Metabolism stimulation for improved nutritional utilization / Health News
Promote metabolism and lose weight successfully
If you want to lose weight, it is sometimes as if bewitched: despite healthy diet and regular training, the pounds simply do not want to disappear. The cause could be a "bad" metabolism. A well-functioning metabolism, however, according to experts for customer success.

Help with weight loss
Clear: Who wants to reduce his weight, must move regularly. However, sport alone does not help against overweight. Although it burns calories and eliminates the constant hunger, but more crucial is the diet. Some people try to get rid of extra pounds with the help of various diet programs. Conditional can also tricks, such as small plates help with weight loss. But often the belly fat just does not want to disappear. The cause could be a "bad" metabolism.

Losing weight without JoJo effect is not science. Image: Tijana - fotolia

Well functioning metabolism
A well-functioning metabolism, however, according to experts for customer success. The metabolism - also called metabolism - determines how the substances from the food are converted and processed in the body.

How well it works is genetically determined, among other things, but is also influenced by your own lifestyle.

Every cell has its own metabolism
As Prof. Matthias Weber, spokesman of the German Society for Endocrinology (DGE) explains, every cell in the body has its own metabolism.

While substances are transported to cells in the body, recycled and transported away, a number of biochemical processes take place in the body.

Prof. Ingo Froböse from the German Sport University Cologne adds: "All the individual processes must work together."

Stimulate energy metabolism through movement
According to experts, the energy metabolism can be boosted. The less the metabolism is required, the less it works.

"It's a bit like a car - it's always in the garage and is not driven, then it will eventually rust," explains Froböse. The most important thing is movement, because the muscles are the largest metabolic organ.

According to experts, here, among other Nordic Walking or swimming. Also aqua-fitness is ideal because the body in the water increases its metabolism, so as not to cool.

Good feeders have a good basal metabolism
But there are also some things that do not do the metabolism well. In addition to a lack of exercise here radical diets are mentioned. Because these bring the metabolism in the long term to a halt, because they put the body in a state of emergency, in which the metabolism goes down.

According to Froböse, the basal metabolic rate should normally be around 1,600 to 2,500 kilocalories. People who always eat well, yet stay slim and fit, probably just have a good basal metabolic rate.

The good feed consumers eat a balanced diet, do not let the body go hungry and give their metabolism work - for example by running stairs in everyday life or regular training.

As explained in the dpa report, one's own basal metabolic rate can be measured with a breathing gas analysis at some fitness institutes or sports doctors.

Fats and carbohydrates in the morning and protein in the evening
The metabolism can also be influenced by the diet. It is important that people eat regularly - the times of day are also important.

In the morning you can recharge your batteries with fats and carbohydrates, eat nutrients at lunchtime and have protein in the evening. Energy does not need the body in the evening - just before sleep - on the other hand.

Froböse also recommends taking breaks in the metabolism between meals. "It's important not to eat anything for four to five hours," says the sports scientist.

According to Silke Restemeyer of the German Nutrition Society, it is individually different how the body reacts to it. The energy balance is crucial.

Drink plenty of water
Although it is often advised to drink a lot to stimulate the metabolism, but scientifically proven is a metabolism-stimulating effect or a large impact on body weight is not, says the dpa message.

As Silke Restemeyer explains in the agency message, it is still a well-known trick of people who want to lose weight to drink water before meals or in between: "Because the fluid fills the stomach, and the feeling of satiety is more likely to occur."

And for the health of a sufficient fluid intake anyway of great importance. This helps to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system.

When it comes to how much water we should drink, it is usually recommended to take at least two liters per day. On hot days, much more. In addition to water you can also use unsweetened teas. (Ad)