Help with nocturnal calf cramps

Help with nocturnal calf cramps / Health News

What helps with nocturnal leg cramps


Nocturnal leg cramps can be very painful. Preventive should help against magnesium or quinine. Their effect, however, is controversial. A scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of magnesium is pending. Also for quinine the scientific proof of the efficacy according to dpa is missing. The quinine may have unwanted side effects that strain the cardiovascular system, according to the journal „Good pills - bad pills“ (05/2014) known.

Muscle cramps can have many causes. They occur, for example, in overloads of the muscles, poor circulation or improper diet. In addition, certain diseases favor muscle spasms. But it also happens that "there is no specific cause for the convulsions".

As an alternative, sufferers should instead encounter the nocturnal cramps with stretching exercises for the legs. Three minutes should be enough. You should also make sure that you do not put your feet on the back of your feet. Instead, "one should rather let your feet out of bed, so as to prevent the development of cramps," said the Süddeutsche Zeitung. (Jp)